Building Modern Enterprise Searching Platform: Introduction & Concept

Han Yi


Three major Enterprise data oriented systems


  • OLTP system, mostly based on relational database: Oracle, MySQL, etc
  • Core search engine, commonly Elasticsearch/Solr
  • OLAP system, like hadoop ecosystem

General vs Enterprise purpose search engine

  • Data source types: Web, image, document, multimedia, database, log, data from other commercial systems
  • Data retrieval: Public / Internal
  • Data update frequency: Near real time
  • Data integrity: No / High
  • Sort: Relevancy, time, business attributes
  • Allow SEO: Yes / No
  • Result control: Full automatic / Strong customized
  • Index structure: Web / Variable due to business requirement

Methodology to design & build modern eCommerce search engine


Business driven

  • Need to deeply understand Business Vision, Domain Knowledge, and Technology of Information Retrieval

Continuous feedback

  • Have more understanding on source data, and user intention of search
  • Keep on collecting feedback from user and react fast



  • Relational database data model
  • Index model needs to be flexible to satisfy query requirement
  • Advanced search
  • API integration
  • Performance
  • Endless expectation on conversion rate

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Target data types
    • Structured data
    • Unstructured data
    • Semistructured data

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Basic query types: Boolean Query
    • Linear searching: grep (Global Regular Expression Print)
    • Non-linear searching: Incidence Matrix

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Advanced query: Ad hoc Query
    • One time query to for user information need
    • Information need != query

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Effectiveness Assessment
    • Precision
    • Recall

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Inverted Index
    • Dictionary
    • Posting list (Inverted List)

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Building Inverted Index
    • Index data structure
    • Dictionary data structure
    • Indexing algorithm
    • Distributed indexing
    • Dynamic indexing
    • Index Compression

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Tolerant Retrieval
    • Wildcard query
    • Spelling correction
    • Phonetic correction

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Relevancy & Score
  • Term Weighting
  • Vector Space Model

Information Retrieval Basics

  • Evaluation
    • measurement
    • test collections
    • unranked result
    • ranked result
    • user utility

Information Retrieval Basics: Building Index

  • Steps to create Inverted Index
    • Raw document analysis
    • Tokenization (based on language, also can be used for language identification)
    • Linguistic preprocessing
    • Physical index building

Information Retrieval Basics: Raw Doc Analysis

  • Raw document analysis
    • Raw document collection
    • Char sequence generation
    • Indexing granularity
      • Precision vs Recall
      • Business specific requirement

Information Retrieval Basics: Token Analysis

  • Tokenization
    • Token
    • Type
    • Term
  • Stop word deletion
    • Stop word list extraction from collection frequency
  • Token normalization
    • Equivalence, case-folding, language specific
  • Stemming & lemmatization (resolve flection)
    • Stem vs Root
    • Pragmatic analysis (语用分析)

Information Retrieval Basics: Index Data Structure

  • Example 1: Skip list pointer — Fast post list intersection (Boolean Query)
    • ​step list sqrt(P), P is length of post list
  • Example 2: Positional index — Fast phrase search
    • ​Commonly less than 4 words
angels: 2: {36,174,252,651}; 4: {12,22,102,432}; 7: {17}; 
fools: 2: {1,17,74,222}; 4: {8,78,108,458}; 7: {3,13,23,193}; 
fear: 2: {87,704,722,901}; 4: {13,43,113,433}; 7: {18,328,528}; 
in: 2: {3,37,76,444,851}; 4: {10,20,110,470,500}; 7: {5,15,25,195}; 
rush: 2: {2,66,194,321,702}; 4: {9,69,149,429,569}; 7: {4,14,404}; 
to: 2: {47,86,234,999}; 4: {14,24,774,944}; 7: {199,319,599,709}; 
tread: 2: {57,94,333}; 4: {15,35,155}; 7: {20,320}; 
where: 2: {67,124,393,1001}; 4: {11,41,101,421,431}; 7: {16,36,736};

Information Retrieval Basics: Index Data Structure

  • Blocked sort-based Indexing
    • ​First pass to create termID-docID pairs
    • Second pass to sort pairs based on termID and docID
    • Final pass to organize docIDs for each term into a posting list 

Information Retrieval Basics: Index Construction

  • Single-pass in-memory Indexing
    • Adds posting directly to its postings list. Instead of first collecting all termID-docID pairs and then sorting them
    • Run faster because there is no sorting required, and it saves memory because we keep track of the term a postings list belongs to, so the termIDs of postings need not be stored

Information Retrieval Basics: Index Construction

  • Distributed Indexing
    • Term-partitioned index
    • Document-partitioned index

Information Retrieval Basics: Index Construction

Information Retrieval Basics: Tolerant Retrieval

  • Wildcard query
    • Example: hel*, *llo, he*o
    • N-gram index
POST _analyze
  "tokenizer": "ngram",
  "text": "Quick Fox"

[ Q, Qu, u, ui, i, ic, c, ck, k, "k ", " ", " F", F, Fo, o, ox, x ]

Information Retrieval Basics: Tolerant Retrieval

  • Spelling correction
    • Isolated term: hallo wolrd
      • Edit (Levenshtein) distance
      • N-gram overlap

Information Retrieval Basics: Tolerant Retrieval

  • Spelling correction
    • Context sensitive: flew form Heathrow
      • Check searching based on top ranked terms

Information Retrieval Basics: Tolerant Retrieval

  • Phonetic correction
    • Syllable Analysis (commonly 4 at most)
    • Soundex

Information Retrieval Basics: Classic Ranking

  • Parametric Index
    • a document may contain multiple "fields"
    • a "Zone" means text type field
    • Build inverted index for each zone
    • Ranked boolean retrieval
      • ​Example: Bool query scoring by weighted zone matching
  • Term frequency and weighting
    • tf: term frequency in specific zone
    • cf: term frequency in documents of whole index
    • df: document frequency that contains specific term of whole index
    • idf: inverse document frequency
    • weighting of specific term: tf-idf = tf x idf

Information Retrieval Basics: Classic Ranking

  • Vector space model

Information Retrieval Basics: Classic Ranking

  • Document/Search Similarity

Information Retrieval Basics: Classic Ranking


  • Example: search "car insurance" (tf as weighting)

[0.707, 0, 0.707, 0]

Information Retrieval Basics: Evaluation

  • Evaluation
    • test collection
      • commonly 50 documents at least
    • test cases
      • in queries
    • relevancy standards
      • user feedback

Information Retrieval Basics: Evaluation

Information Retrieval Basics: Evaluation

  • Evaluation on unranked searching results
    • ​Precision vs Recall
  • Evaluation on ranked searching results
    • Precision vs Recall for top K items


Information Retrieval Basics: Evaluation

  • System measurement​
    • index time
    • index size
    • query time
    • friendliness of API
  • User utility
    • for design: study on user satisfaction
    • for improvement: clickstream mining, A/B testing


Building Modern Enterprise Searching Platform: Introduction & Concept

By hanyi8000

Building Modern Enterprise Searching Platform: Introduction & Concept

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