By: Harpreet Hira

About Me

About DockerCon

  • Annual Event
  • 2017 was 4th Dockercon
  • General Sessions/KeyNotes
  • Breakout Sessions
  • Hands On Labs
  • Ecosystem Expo
  • DockerCon 2017 Party


DockerCon is the community and container industry conference for makers and operators of next generation distributed apps built with containers.

About Today's Meetup

  • Recap the 2 day keynotes
  • Not a Deep Dive
  • Touching the surface
  • Couple of demos



  • Kick Off: Ben Golub, CEO of Docker, Inc., took the stage to kicked off the general session and the conference.
  • History: Ben started the presentation by reviewing Docker’s four-year history and all the things that have changed over the last three years since the very first
  • Gordon and More: From the size of Gordon (Docker’s tortoise mascot) to the amount of growth in Docker usage . 


Key Contributions

  • 41.5% from individuals
  • 40.6% from Docker (320 employees)
  • 7.7% from Microsoft
  • 3.2% from IBM
  • 3.0% from Huawei and Red Hat both
  • Rest from other corporates combined.

Key Statistics

  • 3300 contributors
  • 14M docker hosts
  • 900K docker apps
  • 77,000 % growth in job listings
  • 12 Billion image pulls 

Ben Golub, "The person responsible for running Intuit’s systems is confident enough in their systems that they’re attending DockerCon on Tax Day."

Intuit's use case

Sacrifice to Demo Gods

After a “sacrifice to the demo gods,” Golub invited Solomon Hykes, CTO and founder of Docker, Inc., to the stage.

Solomon kicks off his portion of the keynote by re-iterating Docker’s mission: To build tools of mass innovation.

  1. Get out of the way
  2. Adapt to you
  3. Make the powerful simple

Rules for building the “best tools” for mass innovation.


Docker, according to Solomon, strives to streamline and remove friction in the development cycle. Docker uses “complaint-driven development.” which is a three-step process:

  1. Developer complains about problem.
  2. Docker fixes detail complained about in step 1.
  3. Repeat ad infinitum.

Tools for developers

Tool #1

Multi-Stage Builds



Solves problem of BIG container images


Leveraging a single Dockerfile and a single build command—allow you to cleanly separate build-time environments/images from run-time environments/images.


for multi-stage build


# First stage to build the application
FROM maven:3.5.0-jdk-8-alpine AS build-env
ADD ./pom.xml pom.xml
ADD ./src src/
RUN mvn clean package

# Final stage to define our minimal runtime
FROM FROM openjdk:8-jre
COPY --from=build-env target/app.jar app.jar
RUN java -jar app.jar

Tool #2

Desktop to Cloud



Solves problem in moving apps from the desktop (using something like Docker for Mac) to the cloud (using something like Docker for AWS).


Allows you to connect to cloud-based swarms directly from the desktop UI (in Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows).

Tools for Ops

Secure Orchestration using SwarmKit

  • Secure Node Introduction
  • Secure Secret Distribution 
  • Cryptographic Node Identity (for cluster segmentation)
  • Mutual TLS between all nodes
  • LinuxKit is a lean, portable, and secure Linux subsystem.
  • It works only with containers.
  • Allows LinuxKit to sandbox system services and reduce the attack surface.
  • Provides an incubator for innovative new security solutions.
  • LinuxKit was built using a community-first security process.
  • Linux is too big for any one company to secure it; it has to be done via a community effort with other organizations and contributors.
  • LinuxKit naturally has to be very lean, and it has to be portable.
  • Other companies involved in LinuxKit include IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and the Linux Foundation.

Hyper-V Isolation to Linux

  • Finally, Linux Containers Could Run on Windows
  • Hyper-V isolation technology to deliver Linux containers on Windows Server
  • Microsoft announced that it is bringing Hyper-V Isolation to Linux containers running on Windows
  • Previously Hyper-V Isolation supported only Windows-based containers.
  • Hyper-V Isolation will support LinuxKit at a future point.

The idea is to simplify the process of combining components into something usable.


Solomon Hykes, “We needed our teams to collaborate not only on components, but also on assemblies of components, borrowing an idea from the car industry where assemblies of components are reused to build completely different cars.

What is Moby ?

  • Docker, unsurprisingly isn’t a single monolithic application.  
  • Instead, it’s made up of components such as runc, containerd, InfraKit, and so on.
  • The community works on those components (along with Docker, of course).
  • When it’s time for a release, Docker packages them all up and out they go.
  • At the moment there are 80+ components that can be combined into assemblies.
  • From now on, Docker releases would be built using Moby and its components.

# 2

Kick Off


  • Ben Golub Kicks Off Day 2.
  • Docker in the enterprise.
  • Results from a company called ETR, which (apparently) shows Docker is “off the charts” in terms of adoption and market penetration within the enterprise.
  • Docker’s customers only want one thing: SPEED (as in moving faster, not as in performance).

Kickoff (contd ...)

  • Some customers are approaching Docker from a microservices-first architecture.
  • Other customers are approaching Docker from the perspective of Docker-izing traditional applications,
  • Golub makes the claim that simply Docker-izing a traditional application—without changing a line of code or changing any of your infrastructure—customers can see a 4x-5x improvement in infrastructure efficiency.
  • Docker makes you not only future-proof but also past-proof (protecting investments in older technologies).

Use Case:

  • Swamy Kocherlakota from Visa up to the stage to talk.
  • Kocherlakota takes a few minutes first to talk about Visa before shifting gears to discuss Visa’s technical approach.
  • However, Kocherlakota’s focus on developer productivity and
  • a standard way of packaging and deploying apps seems like a “home run” for Docker and Docker’s ecosystem, so that makes perfect sense.
  • Visa is trying to move all developers and application groups to a “container-first-microservices" based architecture.

Supply Chain

Secure supply chain demo shows off Docker Trusted Registry (DTR), Docker Security Scanning, and Docker Compose.


  • Demo deploying certified third-party applications via Docker.
  • The demo shows off using an open source tool called image2docker that takes a VMDK and converts it into a Dockerfile that can then be used to build a Docker image.
  • The demo also showed off third-party applications (Oracle, specifically) available via the Docker Store.



  • Mark Cavage from Oracle talked about Oracle’s decision to make a number of Oracle software products available via the Docker Store.
  • Products from Oracle available via Docker Store include
    • Oracle Database,
    • Oracle WebLogic,
    • Oracle Coherence,
    • Oracle Linux, and
    • Java.
  • Golub talked about an effort to modernize traditional applications that is a turnkey program that includes consulting and software.
  • The program comes from key partners like Avanade, Microsoft, Cisco, and HPE.

Aaron Ades of MetLife, “antibodies to the status quo”

Ades spent a few minutes talking about MetLife which is celebrating 150 years next April

Notable points in MetLife’s history that they have 35-year-old code still running today.

Breadth of MetLife’s systems of record.


Thank you!


By Harpreet Hira