Featured News Component

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The featured news component is an addition to the component family where it allows you to pick which news articles you would like to feature on your website. To get this component on your site, go to add a new piece of content. For this example, he will use basic inner page.
Where you begin

When you are editing/adding the piece of content you want, click on the components tab and add the "Featured News Component". The fields below are all that is needed to get this component on your site. All you have to do is start typing the title of the news item you want in the News reference field and click the one you would like. Alternate link is a field there in case you want this item in particular to have a different link than the news item. You do have other options as well, such as hiding the date, as well as overwrite field section. This will allow you to customize each item from what they are currently are for the news item itself. If you want more than one, click "add component item"
Featured News Component

Once you have everything filled out on the backend it will look like how the image below looks. For this example we have three items to display in the featured news component. We provided the news reference with an alternate link. There is also one overwrite.

The final look and feel of this component can be found below. Here are the three component items. The one shown with the overwrite title update is the bigger card to the left. Also, there are numbers on this slide which might help with how to order the items to show how they end up on the front end.

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Featured News Component Walkthrough
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Featured News Component
By harvardms
Featured News Component
In this lesson you will learn the steps and information needed to use the featured news component on your Drupal website
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