H2 and H3 Heading Variations

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The heading variation that this slideshow goes over is now available within all WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) across your site.
To start, you will want to first input whatever content you want in your WYSIWYG editor. Next, would be to find the different headings and variations. These can be found under the "paragraph format" (it will most likely say normal) and "styles"
Where you begin

If you want to use a heading with no variation, the steps will be exactly the same as they current are. Those steps would be to highlight the text you want to update with the heading format and then select the heading format you would like. If you want to use one of the variations you will need to select either heading 2 or heading 3 under paragraph format and then select the variation under the styles. For example, if you want to use heading 2 variation 2 you will select heading 2 under paragraph format and then heading 2 variation 2 under styles.
WYSIWYG Heading Styles

List of successful heading variations to use:
- Paragraph format = Heading 2 and Styles = Heading 2 Variation 1
- Paragraph format = Heading 2 and Styles = Heading 2 Variation 2
- Paragraph format = Heading 3 and Styles = Heading 3 Variation 1
- Paragraph format = Heading 3 and Styles = Heading 3 Variation 2

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Heading Variations Walkthrough
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H2 and H3 Heading Variation
By harvardms
H2 and H3 Heading Variation
In this lesson you will learn the steps and information needed to use different heading variations on your Drupal website
- 1,062