
1.6 - Admin - Project - Iteration 1

In this lecture

  • Broad concept of major project
  • Getting along & teamwork intro

Team-based Project

The project is a 10 week timeframe where your team has been contracted as backend developers to provide a web server for a client.


Let's have a look at the spec together.


Keep an eye out for course updates that come to your repository.

Team-based Project

Week Topic
1 Milestone 1 released
4 Milestone 1 due;Milestone 1 demo; Milestone 2 released
8 Milestone 2 due, Milestone 2 demo; Milestone 3 released
10 Milestone 3 due, Milestone 3 demo

Project schedule

  • Iteration 1:
    • Basic functionality
    • Testing
  • Iteration 2:
    • Web-server
    • Requirements addition
    • More functionality
    • Testing
  • Iteration 3:
    • Requirements change
    • More functionality
    • Testing
    • Deployment


The project has been released for your groups. You can access this on gitlab. This repository is shared between you and your group members.


You have also been added to an MS Teams team.


We will cover more useful knowledge for iteration 1 in week 2.


Please note: During week 1 and 2 expect some turbulence with group changes

Why are we bothering with groupwork?

  • Learning to find compromises
  • Learning how to work with people you struggle to interact with
  • Learning how to communicate
  • Learning how not to program like a cowboy
  • etc

Questions to think about

Write down the following: 

  • What are you most scared of, when working in a group?
  • What are you most looking forward to?
  • What do you most hope to learn from working in a team?
  • Who is someone that you think is a great team player? A celebrity, a role model, a friend, a family member


We can come back to some of these questions later in the term

COMP1531 21T1 - 1.6 - Admin - Project - Iteration 1

By haydensmith

COMP1531 21T1 - 1.6 - Admin - Project - Iteration 1

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