
10.2 - SDLC - Building an MVP

Being Lean


  • Eric Ries produced a very popular book known as the "Lean Startup". The book focuses on methods to shorten the product development life cycle and determine if a business is viable or not more rapidly.
  • "Build-measure-learn" principles


Lean Canvas

  • A "Lean Canvas" is a common tool used to try and articulate the core principles of a business
  • These canvases can then be used to inform what to build.
  • If you ever want to start a business - start here

Lean Canvas

Product-Market Fit

  • Product-Market Fit (PMF) is the degree to which a product satisfies a strong market demand.
  • Young companies thrive to reach PMF as soon as possible, as it's usually a key step in early growth
  • One of the earliest steps of exploring PMF in a lean way, and verifying the business viability, is to build an MVP
    • To build an MVP, one must first understand the business
    • The sole purpose of an MVP is to validate assumptions, not to build good technology

COMP1531 21T1 - 10.2 - SDLC - Building an MVP

By haydensmith

COMP1531 21T1 - 10.2 - SDLC - Building an MVP

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