
🐶Software Engineering

8.2 - Testing - Property based testing


Author: Hayden Smith 2021

In this lecture


  • Good testing is important, but good testing can take a lot of time to write.
  • It's easy to miss edge cases, and this problem compounds with larger code bases


  • Property based testing


Can the machines do it for us?

  • To write a program that generates tests for us requires:
    • A means of generating test data
    • Knowing what behaviour is correct?
    • Some way for the computer to report test failures to us in an understandable way

Property-based testing

  • A method of testing where tests are defined as general properties (i.e. parameterised predicates)
  • Test input is generated automatically by supplying a strategy for generating that input
  • The testing framework runs the test many times to ensure the properties are true for each input
  • In the event of a test failure, the framework will shrink the generated input to find the smallest value that still fails the test


  • Hypothesis is the name of property-based testing framework for python
  • Can be installed via: ​pip3 install hypothesis

  • Parameterised tests are decorated with @given to supply strategies for generating test input
  • See

What properties to test?

  • It's not always easy to find testable properties
  • Can you think of one for the Zune bug example?
  • Software designs with testable properties tend to be good designs...
def bubblesort(numbers):
    numbers = numbers.copy()
    for _ in range(len(numbers) - 1):
        for i in range(len(numbers) - 1):
            if numbers[i] > numbers[i+1]:
                numbers[i], numbers[i+1] = numbers[i+1], numbers[i]
    return numbers


COMP1531 21T3 - 8.4 - SDLC Testing - Property-based testing

By haydensmith

COMP1531 21T3 - 8.4 - SDLC Testing - Property-based testing

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