
Web Front-End Programming

Javascript - Browser


Let's demo together!

Let's build a simple form for a communication tool that:

  • Says "Please invite your friends to join CSE" at the top
  • Has a textarea with a welcome message. On blur, if the field is empty, colour the background red until valid.
  • Has 2 inputs for emails addresses, with an "Add more" button at the end that populates more fields (2 at a time) until you reach 10 addresses.
  • Has a submit button that when clicked, provides a summary screen, before allowing the user to cancel or continue.
  • (Optional) Contains a second "tab" on the page that shows previously sent email messages (using local storage)
  • (Optional) Constructs most elements via JS DOM API rather than via HTML


COMP6080 22T1 - Demo: Javascript - Browser

By haydensmith

COMP6080 22T1 - Demo: Javascript - Browser

  • 465