
Advanced C++ Programming

Week 5.2

Smart Pointers

Author: Hayden Smith

In this lecture


  • Managing unnamed / heap memory can be dangerous, as there is always the chance that the resource is not released / free'd properly. We need solutions to help with this.


  • Smart pointers
  • Unique pointer, shared pointer
  • Partial construction

Recap: RAII - Making unnamed objects safe

// myintpointer.h

class MyIntPointer {
  // This is the constructor
  MyIntPointer(int* value);

  // This is the destructor

 int* GetValue();

  int* value_;
// myintpointer.cpp
#include "myintpointer.h"

MyIntPointer::MyIntPointer(int* value): value_{value} {}

int* MyIntPointer::GetValue() {
  return value_

MyIntPointer::~MyIntPointer() {
  // Similar to C's free function.
  delete value_;

Don't use the new / delete keyword in your own code

We are showing for demonstration purposes

void fn() {
  // Similar to C's malloc
  MyIntPointer p{new int{5}};
  // Copy the pointer;
  MyIntPointer q{p.GetValue()};
  // p and q are both now destructed.
  // What happens?


Smart Pointers

  • Ways of wrapping unnamed (i.e. raw pointer) heap objects in named stack objects so that object lifetimes can be managed much easier
  • Introduced in C++11
  • Usually two ways of approaching problems:
    • unique_ptr + raw pointers ("observers")
    • shared_ptr + weak_ptr/raw pointers
Type Shared ownership Take ownership
std::unique_ptr<T> No Yes
raw pointers No No
std::shared_ptr<T> Yes Yes
std::weak_ptr<T> No No

Unique pointer

  • std::unique_pointer<T>
    • The unique pointer owns the object
    • When the unique pointer is destructed, the underlying object is too
  • raw pointer (observer)
    • Unique Ptr may have many observers
    • This is an appropriate use of raw pointers (or references) in C++
    • Once the original pointer is destructed, you must ensure you don't access the raw pointers (no checks exist)
    • These observers do not have ownership of the pointer


Also note the use of 'nullptr' in C++ instead of NULL

Unique pointer: Usage

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  auto up1 = std::unique_ptr<int>{new int};
  auto up2 = up1; // no copy constructor
  std::unique_ptr<int> up3;
  up3 = up2; // no copy assignment

  up3.reset(up1.release()); // OK
  auto up4 = std::move(up3); // OK
  std::cout << up4.get() << "\n";
  std::cout << *up4 << "\n";
  std::cout << *up1 << "\n";


Observer Ptr: Usage

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  auto up1 = std::unique_ptr<int>{new int{0}};
  *up1 = 5;
  std::cout << *up1 << "\n";
  auto op1 = up1.get();
  *op1 = 6;
  std::cout << *op1 << "\n";
  std::cout << *op1 << "\n";

Can we remove "new" completely?


Unique Ptr Operators

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

auto main() -> int {
	// 1 - Worst - you can accidentally own the resource multiple
	// times, or easily forget to own it.
	// auto* silly_string = new std::string{"Hi"};
	// auto up1 = std::unique_ptr<std::string>(silly_string);
	// auto up11 = std::unique_ptr<std::string>(silly_string);

	// 2 - Not good - requires actual thinking about whether there's a leak.
	auto up2 = std::unique_ptr<std::string>(new std::string("Hello"));

	// 3 - Good - no thinking required.
	auto up3 = std::make_unique<std::string>("Hello");

	std::cout << *up2 << "\n";
	std::cout << *up3 << "\n";
	// std::cout << *(up3.get()) << "\n";
	// std::cout << up3->size();

This method avoids the need for "new". It has other benefits that we will explore.


Shared pointer

  • std::shared_pointer<T>
  • Several shared pointers share ownership of the object
    • A reference counted pointer
    • When a shared pointer is destructed, if it is the only shared pointer left pointing at the object, then the object is destroyed
    • May also have many observers
      • Just because the pointer has shared ownership doesn't mean the observers should get ownership too - don't mindlessly copy it
  • std::weak_ptr<T>
    • Weak pointers are used with share pointers when:
      • You don't want to add to the reference count
      • You want to be able to check if the underlying data is still valid before using it.

Shared pointer: Usage

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

auto main() -> int {
	auto x = std::make_shared<int>(5);
	std::cout << "use count: " << x.use_count() << "\n";
	std::cout << "value: " << *x << "\n";
	x.reset(); // Memory still exists, due to y.
	std::cout << "use count: " << y.use_count() << "\n";
	std::cout << "value: " << *y << "\n";
	y.reset(); // Deletes the memory, since
	// no one else owns the memory
	std::cout << "use count: " << x.use_count() << "\n";
	std::cout << "value: " << *y << "\n";

Can we remove "new" completely?


Weak Pointer: Usage

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

auto main() -> int {
	auto x = std::make_shared<int>(1);

	auto wp = std::weak_ptr<int>(x); // x owns the memory

	auto y = wp.lock();
	if (y != nullptr) { // x and y own the memory
		// Do something with y
		std::cout << "Attempt 1: " << *y << '\n';


When to use which type

  • Unique pointer vs shared pointer
    • You almost always want a unique pointer over a shared pointer
    • Use a shared pointer if either:
      • An object has multiple owners, and you don't know which one will stay around the longest
      • You need temporary ownership (outside scope of this course)
      • This is very rare

Smart pointer examples

  • Linked list
  • Doubly linked list
  • Tree
  • DAG (mutable and non-mutable)
  • Graph (mutable and non-mutable)
  • Twitter feed with multiple sections (eg. my posts, popular posts)

Stack unwinding

  • Stack unwinding is the process of exiting the stack frames until we find an exception handler for the function
  • This calls any destructors on the way out
    • Any resources not managed by destructors won't get freed up
    • If an exception is thrown during stack unwinding, std::terminate is called
void g() {
  throw std::runtime_error{""};

int main() {
  auto ptr = new int{5};
  // Never executed.
  delete ptr;
void g() {
  throw std::runtime_error{""};

int main() {
  auto ptr = std::make_unique<int>(5);

Not safe


void g() {
  throw std::runtime_error{""};

int main() {
  auto ptr = new int{5};
  auto uni = std::unique_ptr<int>(ptr);

Not safe

Exceptions & Destructors

  • During stack unwinding, std::terminate() will be called if an exception leaves a destructor
  • The resources may not be released properly if an exception leaves a destructor
  • All exceptions that occur inside a destructor should be handled inside the destructor
  • Destructors usually don't throw, and need to explicitly opt in to throwing
    • STL types don't do that

Partial construction

  • What happens if an exception is thrown halfway through a constructor?
    • The C++ standard: "An object that is partially constructed or partially destroyed will have destructors executed for all of its fully constructed subobjects"
    • A destructor is not called for an object that was partially constructed
    • Except for an exception thrown in a constructor that delegates (why?)
#include <exception>

class my_int {
   my_int(int const i) : i_{i} {
      if (i == 2) {
         throw std::exception();
   int i_;

class unsafe_class {
   unsafe_class(int a, int b)
   : a_{new my_int{a}}
   , b_{new my_int{b}}

  ~unsafe_class() {
    delete a_;
    delete b_;
   my_int* a_;
   my_int* b_;

int main() {
  auto a = unsafe_class(1, 2);

Spot the bug


Partial construction: Solution

  • Option 1: Try / catch in the constructor
    • Very messy, but works (if you get it right...)
    • Doesn't work with initialiser lists (needs to be in the body)
  • Option 2:
    • An object managing a resource should initialise the resource last
      • The resource is only initialised when the whole object is
      • Consequence: An object can only manage one resource
      • If you want to manage multiple resources, instead manage several wrappers , which each manage one resource
#include <exception>
#include <memory>

class my_int {
   my_int(int const i)
   : i_{i} {
      if (i == 2) {
         throw std::exception();
   int i_;

class safe_class {
   safe_class(int a, int b)
   : a_(std::make_unique<my_int>(a))
   , b_(std::make_unique<my_int>(b))
   std::unique_ptr<my_int> a_;
   std::unique_ptr<my_int> b_;

int main() {
  auto a = safe_class(1, 2);



COMP6771 21T2 - 5.2 - Smart Pointers

By haydensmith

COMP6771 21T2 - 5.2 - Smart Pointers

  • 757