Yummly Treasure Hunt
by HB
Yummly Treasure Hunt
What is it?
Yummly Treasure Hunt
OK, but... what is it?
- Users complete a funnel of tasks (while logged in) on our website and/or apps, and receive one or more entries into a scheduled drawing.
- Example 1:
- Visit yummly.com or open the mobile app.
- Search a particular phrase for the event, e.g. "summer grilling" or "kitchenaid bread dough" or "ragu pasta bake"
- Click ANY recipe from the results and View Directions
- Automatically counts if the directions are inline.
- Example 2:
- Open our seasonal email.
- Find a special treasure hunt code inside the seasonal email.
- Enter the code on a particular Yummly page.
Yummly Treasure Hunt
What do they win?
Prizes vary, typically one "big" prize and several small.
For example, one drawing might award:
1 grand prize: KitchenAid hand mixer
10 Yummly t-shirts
100 Yum stickers
Spending $100 or less per drawing could produce a much greater return in terms of user value.
Yummly Treasure Hunt
How well does it work?
- Virgin Airlines
- Clues available every day you log into the app, win a free trip to an island to search for buried treasure.
- Results: exceeded key metrics by 300%, including sales and retention across Virgin's 17 brands.
- Dosomething,org:
- Created a scavenger hunt for their teen audience.
- Results: 26% response rate, compared to 2-3% for their usual marketing efforts
Yummly Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunts and Scavenger Hunts are proven to increase retention and revenue, and even a small amount of spending on prizes can result in widespread participation.
But even with only 1% participation:
- Increase of ~100,000 MAUs
- Assuming a 4-step funnel, 400,000 pageviews each cycle (week or month)
- 400,000 x 3 or more ad views per page = $$$
Treasure Hunt
By HB Stone
Treasure Hunt
- 39