
Video Series on Ionic Framework

Michel Herszak JavaScript Freelancer

Edmonton Alberta, Canada



76.6 % Android

19.7 % iOS

2.8 % Windows Phone

0.9 % Others

* 4Q14 figures, IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, February 24, 2015

World Wide Market Share*

Make your app

available for

Android & iOS


Our choice of operating systems

Two code bases



partially outdated

  • Beautiful, open source, front-end SDK
  • Provides mobile-optimized HTML, CSS, and JS components
  • Performance efficient with its minimal DOM manipulation and hardware-accelerated transitions
  • Makes use of AngularJS
  • Integration with Cordova API

So what is Ionic Framework

You can make use of any AngularJS code in your app


So what is Ionic Framework (Ionic Stack)

Web View


Apache Gordova


Mobile OS

Cordova does not convert HTML, CSS, JS into OS specific code. It executes that code inside a web view


  • NodeJS for CLI
  • Git for Bower, which uses Git to download the required libraries
  • The package manager Bower
  • Gulp for task management
  • Cordova and Ionic CLI

What is required

You need Node only during the development.


Examples (tabs and side menu)


Ionic Framework a Video Series

By Michel Herszak

Ionic Framework a Video Series

This slide deck is for a video series on Ionic.

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