Node.js for
.NET Developers

Harry Cummings, Softwire

  • JavaScript in a nutshell
  • Introducing Node.js
  • Writing an application
  • Deployment
  • Testing
  • Refactoring
  • Task runners and CI
  • Tooling
  • And more...

Node.js for .NET Developers

JavaScript in a Nutshell

  • Small
  • Dynamically typed
  • Functional, object-oriented
  • Functions
  • Objects
  • Prototypes
  • Type coercion
  • eval()
  • Classes
  • Modules
  • Namespaces
  • Block scoping

... Coming in ES6

  • JavaScript outside of the browser
    • Single-threaded
    • Asynchronous
    • Non-blocking
  • Module system
  • Built-in modules
  • NPM, ecosystem

Introducing Node.js

Node.js in Action

Node.js for .NET Developers



Node.js for .NET Developers

By hgcummings

Node.js for .NET Developers

SDD Conf 2015

  • 2,744