⚡La vida es muy corta para espera por pip install⚡


Pip Replacement

Python Manager

import requests
from rich.pretty import pprint
resp = requests.get("https://peps.python.org/api/peps.json")
data = resp.json()
pprint([(k, v["title"]) for k, v in data.items()][:10])
Script execution

# /// script
# dependencies = [
# "requests<3",
# "rich",
# ]
# ///
import requests
from rich.pretty import pprint
resp = requests.get("https://peps.python.org/api/peps.json")
data = resp.json()
pprint([(k, v["title"]) for k, v in data.items()][:10])
PEP 723 – Inline script metadata

# Add dependencies to a script
uv add --script example.py 'requests<3' 'rich'
from uvtrick import Env
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
X, y = make_regression(n_samples=10_000, n_features=10, random_state=42)
def bench(X,y):
from time import time
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
tic = time()
pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(X,y)
return toc-tic
print("Running sckit-learn benchmarks")
for version in ("1.4", "1.5"):
for i in range(4):
timed = Env(f"scikit-learn=={version}").run(bench, X, y)
print(version, timed)
# https://youtu.be/jXWIxk2brfk?t=295&si=MIBYD6N14sgAB2x0
Tricks Libraries
def bench(X,y):
from time import time
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
tic = time()
pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(X,y)
return toc-tic
print("Running sckit-learn benchmarks")
for version in ("1.4", "1.5"):
for i in range(4):
timed = Env(f"scikit-learn=={version}").run(bench, X, y)
print(version, timed)
# Source
# https://youtu.be/jXWIxk2brfk?t=295&si=MIBYD6N14sgAB2x0

Run Packages

Project Manager

# application
uv init --app example-app
# library
uv init --lib example-app
Package Manager
$ uv --help
An extremely fast Python package manager.
run Run a command or script
init Create a new project
add Add dependencies to the project
remove Remove dependencies from the project
sync Update the project's environment
lock Update the project's lockfile
export Export the project's lockfile to an alternate format
tree Display the project's dependency tree
tool Run and install commands provided by Python packages
python Manage Python versions and installations
pip Manage Python packages with a pip-compatible interface
venv Create a virtual environment
build Build Python packages into source distributions and wheels
publish Upload distributions to an index
cache Manage uv's cache
self Manage the uv executable
version Display uv's version
help Display documentation for a command

⚡La vida es muy corta para espera por pip install⚡

La vida es muy corta para esperar por un pip install
By Hian Cañizares
La vida es muy corta para esperar por un pip install
- 143