2020 PD1

Environment tutorial

CSIE 梁祐承

GUI environment

for non-CSIE students

Download MinGW / CLion

MinGW install

CLion install

CLion activate

  • CLion is not free software, you need license to use it
  • We provide 200 licenses
  • If concurrent users exceeded, you'll get kicked out
  • You can also apply for your student license for free
  • Please see Moodle for license server address

Toolchain settings

If you installed MinGW, CLion will detect your compiler by default

Write your

first program

New project

Hello, World!

CLI environment

for CSIE students


  • An open-source OS kernel
  • There are many distributions
    • Debian / Ubuntu
    • Fedora / Centos
    • Arch linux / Gentoo
  • Widely used in servers
  • Many distros provide GUI, but it's better to get familiar with command line interface (CLI).


Graphics user interface

Easy to use, more restrictions


Command line interface

Hard to use, more powerful

How to get linux environment?

  • Install into your disk (best choice but not recommend)
  • Use SSH to access linux server
  • Use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
    • Need Windows 10 version 1607 or later
    • Install guide (WSL 1 is enough)
  • MacOS is also an Unix-like OS, so you don't need to install linux if you use Mac (Install XCode instead)

WSL install

Run this command in Windows PowerShell first

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
  1. Reboot your computer
  2. Install Ubuntu 20.04 from Microsoft store
  3. Start WSL from start menu, wait for automatic install
  4. Set your username & password

(Password is not visible when typing, just type it & enter)

hint: you can access windows disks in WSL, mouted under /mnt/

Basic linux command

command meaning description
ls list list files in directory
pwd print working directory print current working directory
cd change directory move to another directory
mv move move a file / rename a file
cp copy copy a file
rm remove remove a file
mkdir make directory make an empty directory
apt package manager to install new program

Try some!

# Install necessary software by apt (type your password when asked)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gcc g++ make cmake vim build-essential -y

# Check where am I

# See what is in this directory

# make a new directory named "hello"
mkdir hello

# go into new directory
cd hello

# check you're now in hello

# create an empty file named "test"
touch test

# check "test" exists

# remove it
rm test

vim tutorial

Vim is a command-line text editor, useful when doing server management (you'll need to edit many config files without GUI)


There are many plugins can make vim more friendly, feel free to discover it by yourself (We'll teach you basic operations in this course)

Basic vim command

command description
vim <file> (in shell) Edit "filename" file with vim
i Go into insert mode to type
ESC Go into normal mode to run command
:w save (write)
:q quit
:wq save & quit
:q! quit without save
u undo
ctrl + r redo

You can download this file into your $HOME as basic config

Write your

first program

  1. Edit code with vim

  2. compile with gcc

  3. Run!

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	printf("Hello, Happy World!\n");
	return 0;


  • When you have questions, use TAs' common email <pd1@imslab.org>, NOT TA's PRIVATE MAIL!!
  • Search in English & don't use machine-translated mirror sites!
  • Be care of translation difference
  • Good reference sites such as
    •  stackoverflow.com
    • 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜

2020 PD1

By Liang Yu-Cheng

2020 PD1

  • 2,170