Payment Method for Drupal Commerce
Go1 Vietnam Training
13 May 2015
Viet Nguyen - Quyen Bui
* Implements hook_commerce_payment_method_info().
function go1_example_commerce_payment_method_info() {
return array(
// Define method_id as the key of the array element
'commerce_payment_example' => array(
// string used as the base for the magically constructed callback names
// each of which will be defaulted to [base]_[callback] unless explicitly set
// defaults to the method_id
'base' => 'commerce_payment_example',
// Full title of the payment method
'title' => t('Example Payment Gateway'),
// Display title in the payment form, defaults to the full title
'display_title' => t('Example Payment'),
// Defaults to the title
'short_title' => t('Example'),
// Description of the payment method
'description' => t('Provides integration with the Swipe HQ payment gateway.'),
// Indicating whether this payment method configuration is enabled or not
'active' => TRUE,
// indicating whether or not the customer must be redirected offsite
// to put in their payment information
'offsite' => TRUE,
// indicating whether or not the customer should be automatically redirected
// on the checkout payment step
'offsite_autoredirect' => FALSE,
// callbacks for payment method operations
'callbacks' => array(
'settings_form' => 'commerce_payment_example_settings_form',
'submit_form' => 'commerce_payment_example_submit_form',
'submit_form_validate' => 'commerce_payment_example_submit_form_validate',
'submit_form_submit' => 'commerce_payment_example_submit_form_submit',
'redirect_form' => 'commerce_payment_example_redirect_form',
'redirect_form_validate' => 'commerce_payment_example_redirect_form_validate',
'redirect_form_submit' => 'commerce_payment_example_redirect_form_submit',
// File to include all callbacks of this payment method
'file' => '',
'callbacks' => array(
// Settings form for the payment method
'settings_form' => 'commerce_payment_example_settings_form',
// Form elements to collect details required to process the payment
'submit_form' => 'commerce_payment_example_submit_form',
// Validate input data from submit_form
'submit_form_validate' => 'commerce_payment_example_submit_form_validate',
// Process input data to create a new payment transaction
'submit_form_submit' => 'commerce_payment_example_submit_form_submit',
// Returns form elements that should be submitted to the redirected payment service
'redirect_form' => 'commerce_payment_example_redirect_form',
// Validate any returned data upon return from a redirected payment service
// before proceeding to checkout completion
'redirect_form_validate' => 'commerce_payment_example_redirect_form_validate',
// Do anything required before proceeding to checkout completion
// e.g. update payment transaction status
'redirect_form_submit' => 'commerce_payment_example_redirect_form_submit',
Q & A
Thank you !
Payment Method for Drupal Commerce
By Hong Viet Nguyen
Payment Method for Drupal Commerce
- 931