Connection between adversarial robustness and differential privacy

Certified Robustness to Adversarial Examples with Differential Privacy

Current Defenses

  • Best effort defense
    • Disadvantages: Often broken by more advanced attacks, no security guarantees.
    • Only Madry's adversarial training not consider broken.
    • But it cannot scale to large networks.
  • Certified defense
    • Disadvantages: not scalable, not generic.
    • Can only be used on small and specific DNNs.

Contribution of this paper

  • establish the DP-robust connection
  • propose PixelDP, the first certified defense  based on DP
  •  the first evaluation of an ImageNet-scale certified adversarial-examples defense
  • PixelDP's advantage: broadly applicable, generic, and scalable

Definitions - Adv ML

  • model \(f: \R \rightarrow \mathcal K\)
  • \(\mathcal K=\{1, \cdots, K\}\)
  • Scoring function \(y(x) = (y_1(x), \cdots, y_K(x))\)
  • \(\sum_{k=1}^K y_k(x)=1\)
  • \(f(x) = \arg \max_{k \in \mathcal K} y_k(x)\)
  • \(B_p(r) = \{\alpha \in \R^n:\lVert \alpha \rVert_p \le r \}\)

Definitions - Adv ML

  • \(f\) is robust to attacks of \(p\)-norm \(L\) on a given \(x\) if:$$\forall \alpha \in B_p(L): y_k(x + \alpha) > \max_{i:i\neq k} y_i(x + \alpha)$$
  • where \(k=f(x)\)

Definitions - DP

  • A randomized algorithm \(A\) that takes database \(d\) as input, and outputs a value in \(O\) is \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP with respect to metric \(\rho\) if \(\forall \rho(d, d')\le 1, S \subseteq O:\)$$P(A(d) \in S) \le e^\epsilon P(A(d') \in S) + \delta$$
  • The same definition taught in class.

Properties - DP

  • Post processing property:
    Any computation applied to the output of an \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP algorithm remains \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP.
  • Expected output stability property: Expected output of \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP algorithm with bounded output is stable.

Properties - DP

  • Expected output stability property: Expected output of \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP algorithm with bounded output is stable.

    if the output of \(A\) is bounded to \([0, b]\).
  • Proof via $$\mathbb E (A(x)) = \int_0^bP(A(x) > t)dt$$
\forall \alpha \in B_p(1):\mathbb E(A(x))\le e^\epsilon \mathbb E(A(x + \alpha)) + b \delta

DP-Robust Connection

  • Regard an input image as a database of features (pixels).
  • Construct a scoring function that is DP with regard to the pixels.
  • Recall the scoring function:$$y(x)=(y_1(x), \cdots, y_K(x))$$
  • If the scoring function is \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP for a given metric, we say it is \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-PixelDP.
  • Why use a new name?

Corollary 1

  • Suppose \(A\) satisfies \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-PixelDP with respect to a \(p\)-norm metric, and \(A=(y_1(x), \cdots, y_K(x))\), since \(y_k(x) \in [0, 1]\):

    by the expected output stability property.
  • The expected value of each class's scoring function is bounded with regard to perturbation.
\forall k, \forall \alpha \in B_p(1): \mathbb E(y_k(x)) \le e^\epsilon \mathbb E(y_k(x + \alpha)) + \delta

Robustness Condition

  • Consider any \(\alpha \in B_p(1), x' = x + \alpha,k=f(x)\)
  • By Corollary 1:
  • \(\mathbb E(A_k(x)) \le e^\epsilon \mathbb E(A_k(x')) + \delta\)
  • \(\mathbb E(A_i(x')) \le e^\epsilon \mathbb E(A_i(x)) + \delta, i \ne k\)
  • \(\mathbb E(A_k(x'))\) is lower-bounded
  • \(\max_{i \ne k} \mathbb E(A_i(x'))\) is upper-bounded
  • If the latter is less than the former, the prediction using expected value of scoring function is robust!

Robustness Condition

  • A sufficient condition (robust condition):

  • If this condition holds, the classifier is exactly robust for input \(x\), this is not a high probability condition.
  • Later we'll see that, PixelDP's probability comes from the approximation of the expected value, not the DP algorithm.
\mathbb E(A_k(x)) > e^{2\epsilon} \max_{i:i\ne k}\mathbb E(A_i(x)) + (1 + \epsilon)\delta

Robustness Condition

  • In practice, we do not know how to calculate the exact expected value.
  • We can use sample mean \(\mathbb {\hat E}(A(x))\) to set up a confidence interval we believe containing the true expected value.
  • Goal:
    we want to find a bound \([\mathbb {\hat E}^{lb}(A(x)), \mathbb{\hat E}^{ub}(A(x))]\) that contains \(\mathbb E(A(x))\) with probability \(\eta\)

Hoeffding's Inequality

  • If \(X_i\)'s are independent and bounded by \([0, 1]\):$$P(|\bar X - \mathbb E[\bar X]| \ge t) \le 2 \exp(-2nt^2)$$
  • Let \(2 \exp(-2nt^2) = 1 - \eta\), we can obtain
    $$t=\sqrt{\frac{1}{2n}\ln\frac{2}{1 - \eta}}$$
  • Random draws of \(A(x)\)s are independent and bounded by \([0, 1]\)
  • So by Hoeffding's inequality, we can obtain the bound
    \([\mathbb{\hat E}^{lb}(A(x)), \mathbb{\hat E}^{ub}(A(x))]=[\mathbb{\hat E}(A(x)) - t,\mathbb{\hat E}(A(x)) + t]\)

Robustness Condition

  • The generalized robust condition:

  • If this condition holds, the classifier is robust for input \(x\) with probability \(\ge \eta\)
  • The failure probability comes from the estimation of the expected value, not from DP.
  • It can be made arbitrarily small by increasing draws.
\mathbb{\hat E}^{lb}(A_k(x)) > e^{2\epsilon} \max_{i:i\ne k}\mathbb{\hat E}^{ub}(A_i(x)) + (1 + \epsilon)\delta

Robustness Condition

PixelDP Architecture

  • Adds calibrated noise to turn Q into an (\(\epsilon\),\(\delta\))-DP randomized function \(A_Q\) (Q has unbounded sensitivity)
    \(Q(x) = h(g(x))\)
    \(A_Q(x)\)= \(h(\hat g + noise\)) \(\hat g\) has fixed sensitivity to inputs.
  • The expected output will have bounded sensitivity to p-norm changes in input by adding the noise layer after g.


PixelDP Architecture (cont'd)

  • Use Monte Carlo to estimate the output expectations in prediction time.
  • Get the \(\eta\)-confidence interval. If the lower bound of the label with top score is greater than every other label's upper bound \(\rightarrow\) The prediction of x is robust to any p-norm attack L
  • Error probability \(1 - \eta\) can be make really small for increasing the invocation numbers.


For a function f: D\(\mapsto\)\(\R^k\)



on datasets D₁, D₂ differing on at most one element


The sensitivity of function g(pre-noise layers) => the maximum change in output that can be produced by a change in the input. (input: p-norm, output: q-norm)


Why do we need to bound sensitivity

  • Adversarial examples are from the the unbounded sensitivity of  Q.
  • We have to bound or fix the sensitivity or else the training procedure will change the sensitivity significantly which voids the DP guarantees .

DP noise layer

  • Uses Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms(both rely on bounded sensitivity).
  • Laplace noise with µ = 0 and \(\sigma\ = \sqrt{2}\Delta_{p,1}L/\epsilon\) which gives (\(\epsilon\),0)-DP
  • Gaussian noise with µ = 0 and \(\sigma\ = \sqrt{2(\ln{\frac{1.25}{\delta}})}\Delta_{p,2}L/\epsilon\) which gives (\(\epsilon,\delta\))-DP
  • For every x, the layer computes g(x)+ Z, where Z is the independent random variable from the noise distribution
  • Where to place this layer? => Choose a location that the computation of sensitivity of the pre-noise function is easier to do. (Post-processing of DP carries the guarantee to the end.)

DP noise layer (cont'd)

  • Noise in the image => trivial sensitivity analysis. \(\Delta_{1,1}\) = \(\Delta_{2,2}\) = 1
  • Noise after the first layer => For 1-norm and 2-norm attack,  \(\Delta_{p,q}\) when p=1 or 2 q = 1 or 2 is easy to  compute. However, for ∞-norm attacks computing a tight bound for \(\Delta_{∞,2}\) is computation hard, so we use a relatively loose bound which results not as good as 1-norm or 2-norm attacks.

DP noise layer (cont'd)

  • Noise deeper in the network => Difficult to generalize for the sensitivity analysis for combining bounds.


  • Noise in autoencoder => Add noise before the DNN in a  separately trained autoencoder. Stack the autoencoder before the predictive DNN.
    • Smaller and easier to train which leads to a first certified model for large Imagenet dataset
    • Holds DP with post-processing property.
    • Also easy to compute the sensitivity.

Certified Prediction

  • Prediction choose the argmax label based on Monte Carlo estimation of  E(A(x)) => \(\hat E\)(A(x)), which can be obtained by invoking A(x) multiple times.
  • PixelDP not only returns the prediction for x but also a robustness size certificate for the prediction.
  • PixelDP gives the maximum attack size \(L_{max}\) (in p-norm) against which the prediction on x is guaranteed to be robust by robustness condition.


  1. How does DP noise affect model accuracy?
  2. What accuracy can PixelDP certify?
  3. What is PixelDP’s computational overhead

How does DP noise affect the model

Larger L = robustness against larger attacks = larger noise std

What accuracy can PixelDP cerifify

Computational Overhead

  • For training, CIFAR-10 ResNet baseline takes on average 0.65s per training step. => PixelDP versions take at most 0.66s per training step (1.5% overhead).


  • Sample time. 
  • Significant benefit over Madry's work(adversarial training)


  • This work demonstrates the connection between robustness against  adv. examples and DP.
  • The certified defense against attacks is:
    • As effective at defending 2-norm attacks as today's state-of-the-art.
    • More scalable and applicable to large networks.
  • It is the first work to evaluate the certified 2-norm defense on ImageNet dataset.
  • Future work: Infinity norm attacks can be improved by designing a tighter bound for the sensitivity.

A unified view on differential privacy and robustness to adversarial examples

Renyi Divergence

\( D_\lambda(\mu_1,\mu_2) := \dfrac{1}{\lambda-1} \log \int_{\mathcal{Y}}g_2(y)(\dfrac{g_1(y)}{g_2(y)})^{\lambda}d\mathcal{V}(y) \)

\( Where\ g_1\ and\ g_2\ are\ the\ probability\ density\ of\ \mu_1,\ and\ \mu_2\\ with\ respect\ to\ \mathcal{V} \)


On Measures of Entropy and Information


  • Renyi Divergence

\( D_{\lambda}(P\|Q) := \dfrac{1}{\lambda-1}\log{E_{x \sim Q}(\dfrac{P(x)}{Q(x)})^{\lambda}} \)

  • Kullback-Leibler Divergence

\( D_1(P\|Q) = E_{x \sim P}\log\dfrac{P(x)}{Q(x)} \)

  • Maximum Divergence

\( D_{\infty}(P\|Q) = \sup\limits_{x \in supp\ Q}\log\dfrac{P(x)}{Q(x)} \)

\( For\ two\ probability\ distributions\ P\ and\ Q\ defined\ over\ \mathcal{R} \)

Definition -

Classical differential privacy

\( Let\ \mathcal{X}\ be\ a\ space\ of\ databases,\ \mathcal{Y}\ an\ output\ space,\ and\ \sim_h\ denoting\ the\ that\ two\ databases\ from\ \mathcal{X}\ only\ differ\ from\ one\ row.\\ A\ probabilistic\ mapping\ \mathcal{M}\ from\ \mathcal{X}\ to\ \mathcal{Y}\ is\ called\\ differentially\ private\ if\ for\ any\ x,x' \in \mathcal{X}\ s.t.\ x \sim_h x' and\\ for\ any\ Y \in \sigma(\mathcal{Y})\ on\ has\ \mathcal{M}(x)(Y) \le \exp(\epsilon)\mathcal{M}(x')(Y). \)


The algorithmic foundations of differential privacy.

Dwork, C., Roth, A.

Definition -

Metric differential privacy

\( Let\ \epsilon > 0,\ (\mathcal{X},d_{\mathcal{X}})\ an\ arbitrary\ (input)\ metric\ space,\ and\\ \mathcal{Y}\ an\ output\ space.\ A\ probabilistic\ mapping\ \mathcal{M}\ from\ \mathcal{X}\ to\ \mathcal{Y}\\ is\ called\ (\epsilon,\alpha)\)-\(d_{\mathcal{X}}\ private\ if\ for\ any\ x,x'\\ s.t.\ d_{\mathcal{X}}(x,x') \le \alpha,\ one\ has\ D_{\infty}(\mathcal{M}(x),\mathcal{M}(x')) \le \epsilon. \)


Broadening the scope of differential privacy using metrics.

 Chatzikokolakis, K., Andrés, M.E., Bordenabe, N.E., Palamidessi, C.

Definition -

Renyi differential privacy

\( Let\ \epsilon > 0,\ (\mathcal{X},d_{\mathcal{X}})\ an\ arbitrary\ (input)\ metric\ space,\ and\\ \mathcal{Y}\ an\ output\ space.\ A\ probabilistic\ mapping\ \mathcal{M}\ from\ \mathcal{X}\ to\ \mathcal{Y}\\ is\ called\ (\lambda,\epsilon,\alpha)\)-\(d_{\mathcal{X}}\ Renyi\)-\(private\ if\ for\ any\\ x,x'\ s.t.\ d_{\mathcal{X}}(x,x') \le \alpha,\ one\ has\ D_{\lambda}(\mathcal{M}(x),\mathcal{M}(x')) \le \epsilon. \)


Renyi Differential Privacy
​Mironov, I.

Definition -

Adversarial robustness

\( A\ classifier\ h\ is\ said\ to\ be\ (\alpha,\gamma)\)-\(robust\\ if\ \mathbb{P}_{x \sim D_{\mathcal{X}}}[\exists x' \in B(x,\alpha)\ s.t.\ h(x') \ne h(x)] \le \gamma \)

Definition -

Generalized adversarial

\( Let\ D_{\mathcal{P}(\mathcal{Y})}\ be\ a\ metric/divergence\ on\ \mathcal{P}(\mathcal{Y}).\\ A\ randomized\ classifier\ \mathcal{M}\ is\ said\ to\ be\\ D_{\mathcal{P}(\mathcal{Y})}\)-\( (\alpha,\epsilon,\gamma)\)-\( robust\ if\\ \mathbb{P}_{x \sim D_{\mathcal{X}}}[\exists x' \in B(x,\alpha)\ s.t.\ D_{\mathcal{P}(\mathcal{Y})}(\mathcal{M}(x'),\mathcal{M}(x)) > \epsilon] \le \gamma \)


Theoretical evidence for adversarial robustness through randomization


Claim: Equivalent

\( D_{\lambda}\)-\((\alpha,\epsilon,0)\)-\(robust\\ \Leftrightarrow\\ D_{\mathcal{X}}\)-\(almost\ surely\\ (\lambda,\epsilon,\alpha)\)-\(d_{\mathcal{X}}\ Renyi\)-\(differentially\ private \)

\(x,x'\ s.t.\ d_{\mathcal{X}}(x,x') \le \alpha,\\ D_{\lambda}(\mathcal{M}(x),\mathcal{M}(x')) \le \epsilon \)

\( \mathbb{P}_{x \sim D_{\mathcal{X}}}[\exists x' \in B(x,\alpha)\\ s.t.\ D_{\mathcal{P}(\mathcal{Y})}(\mathcal{M}(x'),\mathcal{M}(x)) > \epsilon] \le \gamma \)

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