
slides:  slides.com/hrjr/obj-arr-func

exercises: https://github.com/kuychaco/JSFundamentals1



Bianca Gandolfo

Co-Founder of Telegraph Academy

(coding school for URMs)




  • Name
  • Experience
  • Motivation

Who is this for?

2-6mos experience learning JavaScript

Completed JS tutorial like Codecademy, CodeSchool, Khan Academy, or Bloc.io

Want to solidify fundamentals

Looking for more practice

Interested in getting into Hack Reactor

Part 1

Review and solidify core JS principles with project.

Part 2

Get started with functional methods. 


Use foundation to grow as a JS engineer.

Class Format

  • Silence your ringtones (please)
  • Ask questions (between slides)
  • Answer my questions
  • Show thumbs
  • Ask for help during exercises
  • Lunch at some point (unless your phone rings during lecture)




  1. Property Access
  2. Bracket Notation
  3. Dot Notation
  4. Dot vs Bracket
  5. Nested Objects
  6. Object Literals
  7. Iteration

Creating Objects

var box = {};

Assignment w/ Dots

var box = 
{"material" : "cardboard"}
var box = {};

box.material = "cardboard";

Access w/ Dots

var box = 
{"material" : "cardboard"}
var box = {};

box.material = "cardboard";

box.material; //??

Access w/ Dots

var box = 
{"material" : "cardboard"}



var box = {};

box.material = "cardboard";

var cb = box.material;


box = 
{"material" : "cardboard"}
box = 
{"material" : "titanium"}
var box = {};
box.material = "cardboard";
box.material = "titanium";

Access before Assignment

var box = 
{"material" : "cardboard"}
var box = {};
box.material = "cardboard";
box.material; //"cardboard"
box.size; //??

Brackets - Assignment

var box = 
{"material" : "cardboard"}
var box = {};
box["material"] = "cardboard";
box.material; //??

Brackets - Access

var box = 
{"material" : "cardboard"}
var box = {};
box["material"] = "cardboard";
box["material"]; //??


var box = {};
box["material"] = "cardboard";
var key = "material";
box[key]; //??


var box = {};
box["material"] = "cardboard";
var func = function(){
 return "material";
box[func()]; //??


var box = {};
box['material'] = "cardboard";
var key = 'material';
box['key']; //??


var box = {};
box['material'] = "cardboard";
var key = 'material';
box['key']; //undefined
box.key; //??





var box = {};
box['material'] = "cardboard";
var key = 'material';
box['key']; //undefined
box.key; //undefined


var box = {};
box['material'] = "cardboard";
var key = 'material';
box['key']; //undefined
box.key; //undefined						
box[key]; //??



var box = {};
box['material'] = "cardboard";
var key = 'material';
box['key']; //undefined
box.key; //undefined						
box[key]; //"cardboard"


Do's && Don'ts

Keys w/Special Chars

box = 
  "material" : "cardboard",
  "^&*" : "testing 123"

var box = {};
box["material"] = "cardboard";
box["^&*"] = "testing 123";

var test = box["^&*"];

box.@#! //SYNTAX ERROR

Primitive Keys

box = 
  "material" : "cardboard",
  "0" : "meow",
  "3" : 3,
  "true" : "bark",
  "null" : "hello",
  "undefined" : "goodbye"

var box = {};
box["material"] = "cardboard";						
box[0] = "meow";
box[1+2] = 3;
box[true] = "bark";
box[null] = "hello";
box[undefined] = "goodbye";

JavaScript Primitives

(everything except

objects and arrays)

Bracket vs. Dots






"quotes required

"weird characters
other primitives
weird characters

Storing Other Objects

var box = {};
box["material"] = "cardboard";
box["size"] = {
  "height": 2,
  "width": 80

box.area = function(){
  return box.size.height 
         * box.size.width;
box = {
  "material" : "cardboard",
  "size" : {
​    "height": 2,
    "width": 80
  "area" : fn() {...}

Object Literal

var box = {
  "area" : function() {...},
  "material" : "cardboard",
  "size" : {
    "height" : 2,
    "width" : 80
var box = {
  area : function() {...},
  material : "cardboard",
  size : {
    height : 2,
    width : 80


var box = {};
box['material'] = "cardboard";						
box[0] = 'meow';
box['^&*'] = "testing 123";

for(var key in box){
  console.log(box[key]); //?? 
var box = {};
box['material'] = "cardboard";						
box[0] = 'meow';
box['^&*'] = "testing 123";

for(var key in box){
  console.log(key); //?? 
var box = {};
box['material'] = "cardboard";						
box[0] = 'meow';
box['^&*'] = "testing 123";

for(var key in box){
  console.log(box.key); //?? 

What is an object? 

 What is the difference between dot and bracket notation?

When can you only use brackets and not dot?

When can you only use dot notation and not bracket? 

How do you add a property with a key that contains special characters?

 How do you add a property with a key that is stored in a variable? 

How do you add a property whose key and value are stored in different variables?

How do you access an object that is inside another object?

How do you create an object that is nested inside another object?

How do we loop through objects to access the values?

Exercise Time

  • What is the format for exercises?
  • Pair programming?
  • Can I use references?
    • Google
    • devdocs.io
    • stack overflow
  • Who are the TAs?
    • When should I ask for help?
    • How will they help?




  • Arrays vs Objects
  • Access && Assignment
  • Native Properties
  • Iteration

Arrays vs Objects

  • JavaScript Arrays are Objects
  • Arrays work best for storing lists of values
  • Arrays store elements at numeric indices
  • Arrays have built-in properties and methods to make it easier to work with lists of values
  • Arrays can store any type of JavaScript value

Access and Assignment

box: [true, 'meow', {'hello' : 'goodbye'}]

 index#:  0         1              2

var box = [];
box[0] = true;						
box[1] = 'meow';
box.push({'hello' : 'goodbye'});
var i = 0;
box[i]; // ??
box[1]; // ??
box.pop() //??

   box: [true]

   box: [true, 'meow']

   box: [true, 'meow', {'hello':'goodbye'}]

   box: []

   box: [true, 'meow']

var box = [];
box[0] = true;						
box[1] = 'meow';
box.push({'hello' : 'goodbye'});
var i = 0;
box[i]; // true
box[1]; // ??
box.pop() //??

var box = [];
box[0] = true;						
box[1] = 'meow';
box.push({'hello' : 'goodbye'});
var i = 0;
box[i]; // true
box[1]; // 'meow'
box.pop() //??

var box = [];
box[0] = true;						
box[1] = 'meow';
box.push({'hello' : 'goodbye'});
var i = 0;
box[i]; // true
box[1]; // 'meow'
box.pop() // {'hello' : 'goodbye'}


var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box['size']; // 9
box[0]; // 'meow'

Access and Assignment


var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box['size']; // ??
box[0]; // ??

      box: ['meow']

index #:  0


var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box['size']; // 9
box[0]; // ??

{0 : 'meow', 'size' : 9 }

Access and Assignment

      box: ['meow']

index #:  0

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box.size; // ??
box[0]; // ??

{0 : 'meow', 'size' : 9 }

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box.size; // 9
box[0]; // ??
var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box.size; // 9
box[0]; // 'meow'

The Rules Don't Change!

Access and Assignment

      box: ['meow']

index #:  0

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box.size; // ??
box.0; // ??

{0 : 'meow', 'size' : 9 }

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box.size; // 9
box.0; // ??
var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box.size; // 9
box.0; // SyntaxError: Unexpected number

Native Properties

      box: ['meow']

index #:   0

var box = [];
box['size'] = true;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box.length; //??

{0 : 'meow', 'size' : true }

var box = [];
box['size'] = true;
box['0'] = 'meow';
box.length; // 1

Native Properties

var box = [];
box['0'] = 'meow';
box[3] = {'babyBox': true}; 
box['length']; //??

      box: ['meow', undefined, undefined, {'babyBox': true}]

index #:   0            1                   2                   3

var box = [];
box['0'] = 'meow';
box[3] = {'babyBox': true}; 
box['length']; // 4

Native Properties

      box: ['meow', undefined, undefined, {'babyBox': true}]

index #:   0            1                   2                   3

var box = [];
box['0'] = 'meow';

box[3] = {'babyBox': true};
box[length]; //??
var box = [];
box['0'] = 'meow';

box[3] = {'babyBox': true};
box[length]; // undefined

Native Properties

      box: ['meow', undefined, undefined, {'babyBox': true}]

index #:   0            1                   2                   3

var box = [];
box['0'] = 'meow';						
box[1] = 'Whoohooo!';
box[3] = {'babyBox': true};

box[box.length]; //??
var box = [];
box['0'] = 'meow';						
box[1] = 'Whoohooo!';
box[3] = {'babyBox': true};

box[box.length]; // undefined

Native Properties

      box: ['meow', 'Whoohooo!']

index #:   0              1

var box = [];	
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';
box[1] = 'Whoohooo!';
box[box.length - 1]; //??

{0 : 'meow', 1 : 'Whoohooo!', 'size' : 9 }

var box = [];	
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';
box[1] = 'Whoohooo!';
box[box.length - 1]; // Whoohooo!

Native Properties

      box: ['meow', 'Whoohooo!']

index #:   0              1

{0 : 'meow', 1 : 'Whoohooo!'}

var box = [];	
box['0'] = 'meow';
box[1] = 'Whoohooo!';
box[box.length - 1]; //??
var box = [];	
box['0'] = 'meow';
box[1] = 'Whoohooo!';
box[box.length - 1]; // Whoohooo!


     box: ['meow']

index #: 0

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(k); // ??

{0 : 'meow', 'size' : 9 }

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(k); // 0
var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(k); // 0 size


      box: ['meow']

index #:   0

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(box.k); // ??

{0 : 'meow', 'size' : 9 }

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(box.k); // undefined
var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(box.k); // undefined undefined


      box: ['meow']

index #:   0

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(box[k]); //??

{0 : 'meow', 'size' : 9 }

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(box[k]); // meow
var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;
box['0'] = 'meow';
for(var k in box){
  console.log(box[k]); // meow 9


      box: ['meow', 'Whoohooo!']

index #:   0              1

{0 : 'meow', 1 : 'Whoohooo!', 'size' : 9 }


var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				
for(var k in box){					
for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){						
  console.log(i); //??					


var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				
for(var k in box){					
for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){						
  console.log(i); // 0					


var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				
for(var k in box){					
for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){						
  console.log(i); // 0 1				


     box: ['meow', 'Whoohooo!']

index #:   0              1

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				

for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){
  console.log(box.i); //??

{0 : 'meow', 1 : 'Whoohooo!', 'size' : 9 }

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				

for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){
  console.log(box.i); // undefined
var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				

for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){
  console.log(box.i); // undefined undefined


      box: ['meow', 'Whoohooo!']

index #:   0              1

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				

for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){
  console.log(box[i]); //??

{0 : 'meow', 1 : 'Whoohooo!', 'size' : 9 }

var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				

for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){
  console.log(box[i]); // meow
var box = [];
box['size'] = 9;				
box['0'] = 'meow';				

for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i++){
  console.log(box[i]); // meow Whoohoo!

What do you use to loop through an array?

What are some different methods of adding values to an array?

What are some special properties about arrays that are different from objects?

What are some ways to access values in your array?

When would you use an array over an object?


var box = 
{"innerBox" : {}}
var box = {};
box.innerBox = {};
// or...
box['innerBox'] = {};


var box = {};
box.innerBox = {};
box.innerBox.innerInnerBox = {};

// or...
box['innerBox'].innerInnerBox = {};

// or...
box['innerBox']['innerInnerBox'] = {};

var box = 
  "innerBox" : {
    "innerInnerBox" : {}
var box = {};
box.innerBox = {};
box.innerBox.innerInnerBox = {};
var box = {};
box.innerBox = {};
box.innerBox.innerInnerBox = {};

// or...
box['innerBox'].innerInnerBox = {};
var box = {};
box.innerBox = {};
box.innerBox.innerInnerBox = {};

// or...
box['innerBox'].innerInnerBox = {};

// or...
box['innerBox']['innerInnerBox'] = {};

// or...
var box = {
  innerBox : {
    innerInnerBox : {}


var box = {
  "innerBox" : {
    "innerInnerBox" : {}
var box = {};
box.innerBox = {};
box['innerBox'].innerInnerBox = {};

box.innerBox //??


var box = {
  "innerBox" : {
    "innerInnerBox" : {
      "full" : true
var box = {};
box.innerBox = {};
box.innerBox['innerInnerBox'] = {};

var myInnerBox = box['innerBox'];
myInnerBox; //??

Exercise Time




  • Anatomy
  • Definition vs Invocation
  • Named Functions vs Anonymous
  • Parameters vs Arguments
  • Return Values and Side Effects



var nameImprover = function (name, adj) {
  return 'Col ' + name + ' Mc' + adj + ' pants';


setTimeout(function() { 
}, 1000);


var nameImprover = function (name, adj) {
  return 'Col ' + name + ' Mc' + adj + ' pants';


setTimeout(function() { 
}, 1000);

Named vs Anonymous

var nameImprover = function (name, adj) {
  return 'Col ' + name + ' Mc' + adj + ' pants';


setTimeout(function() { 
}, 1000);


var nameImprover = function (name, adj) {
  return 'Col ' + name + ' Mc' + adj + ' pants';


setTimeout(function() { 
}, 1000);


var nameImprover = function (name, adj) {
  return 'Col ' + name + ' Mc' + adj + ' pants';


setTimeout(function() { 
}, 1000);

Return/Side Effects

var nameImprover = function (name, adj) {
  return 'Col ' + name + ' Mc' + adj + ' pants';


setTimeout(function() { 
}, 1000);

Quick Review

var add = function(a, b){
  return a + b;

add(3, 4); // ??

P.S. Functions are Objects!

var add = function(a, b){
  return a + b; 

add.example = 'testing 123!';


var animalMaker = function (name) {
  return { 
    speak: function () { 
      console.log("my name is ", name); 
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Liger', 'Big Bird'];


var animalMaker = function (name) {
  return { 
    speak: function () { 
      console.log("my name is ", name); 
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Liger', 'Big Bird'];

var farm = [];


var animalMaker = function (name) {
  return { 
    speak: function () { 
      console.log("my name is ", name); 
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Liger', 'Big Bird'];

var farm = [];

for(var i = 0; i < animalNames.length; i++){
  var animalName = animalNames[i];
  var animal = animalMaker(animalName);


var animalMaker = function (name) {
  return { 
    speak: function () { 
      console.log("my name is ", name); 
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Liger', 'Big Bird'];

var farm = [];

for(var i = 0; i < animalNames.length; i++){
  // condensed into one line


var animalMaker = function (name) {
  return { 
    speak: function () { 
      console.log("my name is ", name); 
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Liger', 'Big Bird'];

var farm = [];

for(var i = 0; i < animalNames.length; i++){

for(var j = 0; j < farm.length; j++){
  var animal = farm[j];


var animalMaker = function (name) {
  return { 
    speak: function () { 
      console.log("my name is ", name); 
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Liger', 'Big Bird'];

var farm = [];

for(var i = 0; i < animalNames.length; i++){

for(var j = 0; j < farm.length; j++){


Part 1

Live Classes Monthly

Check Dates here


  • Want to be a TA?
  • Organize study groups amongst yourselves
  • Look out for a follow-up email
    • Feedback (difficulty level, format, exercises, topics)
    • Additional learning resources
  • Please clean up after yourselves

Q & A

  • Other JavaScript topics
    • Mutability
    • Anonymous Functions vs Named Functions
  • Career stuff
    • Daily life of a software engineer
    • Roadmap / career path
    • Hack Reactor
  • Anything else?

JS Fundamentals 1: Objects, Arrays, Functions

By hrjr

JS Fundamentals 1: Objects, Arrays, Functions

4/12/2015, 6/14/2015

  • 1,480