a n t e c e d e n t



iain nash




visualizing wifi

This project explores the invisible terrain of WiFi networks in urban spaces by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs.

A four-metre long measuring rod with 80 points of light reveals cross-sections through WiFi networks using a photographic technique called light-painting.

Caress of the GAze

fain209 digital photo

final project




cell signals

Image Exploration

Trevor Paglen

Autonomy Cube (2014)

Autonomy Cube is a sculpture designed to be housed in art museums, galleries, and civic spaces. The sculpture is meant to be both “seen” and “used.” This happens in several ways. 

Several Internet-connected computers housed within the work create an open Wi-Fi hotspot called “Autonomy Cube” wherever it is installed. Anyone can join this network and use it to browse the Internet. 

Limit Telephotogrpahy

Limit-telephotography involves photographing landscapes that cannot be seen with the unaided eye. The technique employs high powered telescopes whose focal lengths range between 1300mm and 7000mm. At this level of magnification, hidden aspects of the landscape become apparent.

The source material for this video was intercepted by an amateur “satellite hacker” from an open channel on a commercial communication satellite over the western hemisphere. A large number of American surveillance aircraft and drones around the world are remotely piloted via communications satellites by ground-based operators in the United States. 


Christopher williams

nick veasey


Richelle gribble

post-internet work

artsy algorithm auction


Jacolby Satterwhite

artsy field trip

self surveillance



the poor image



Copy of antecedent

By Iain Nash

Copy of antecedent

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