BUild a bot
Our bot will
- Be accessed via a browser
- Accept text and speech input
- Respond with text and speech
- Recognize various phrasings of a question
- Pull information from a web hook we set up
- Remember context from previous questions
Get Ready
You'll need...
- Google Chrome
- Docker or PHP 7.1
- An ngrok ( account
- An account (a Google product)
Requirements Gist at
Pieces of a Bot
UI (web, chat, voice)
Natural Language Understanding
Data Sources (web hooks)
Pieces of a Bot
UI (web, chat, voice)
Natural Language Understanding
Data Sources (web hooks)
- Intents
- Utterances
- Entities
- Slots + Parameters
- Actions
- Contexts
- Fulfillment
Pieces of a Bot
UI (web, chat, voice)
Natural Language Understanding
Data Sources (web hooks)
git clone iansltx/build-a-bot*
composer install
git checkout initial-setup
* You probably want to fork my repo
JS Judgment-free zone starts now
Step 1: Get wired Up
- api-ai/apiai-javascript-client is already included for you
- Here's what I did (see: implement-text-requests branch)
- Tips
- Remember to set your API_AI_KEY env var
-'s docs will help decipher their response format
- You can use a .then() after a .catch() to loosely simulate "finally" in a promise
Step 2: Speak your response
- window.speechSynthesis
- Here's what I did (see: add-speech-synthesis branch)
- Tips
- may send different responses for speech and text
- An utterance has a .voice property
- speechSynthesis has a .getVoices() method
- Check this example, and the code behind it, though it may not work until you try this other example
Step 3: Add Voice Recognition
- Chrome only; uses Google Cloud Speech
- Easy wrapper: annyang
- Here's what I did (see: add-voice-recognition branch)
- Tips
- You can use "*text" to map all recognition input to one function (param name "text") in annyang
- annyang will keep listening until you tell it not to
Pieces of a Bot
UI (web, chat, voice)
Natural Language Understanding
Data Sources (web hooks)
composer require iansltx/api-ai-bridge
You'll need to set minimum-stability to dev here.
This is the part where you need ngrok
Step 1: Set up the Web Hook
- Look at the readme for api-ai-bridge
- Here's what I did (see add-web-hook branch)
- Tips
- ngrok shows request payloads at localhost:4040
- Dates from are formatted Y-m-d
Step 2: Do something useful*
- composer require iansltx/pnwphp-2017-schedule-client
- Use classes, rather than callables, to handle actions
- Here's what I did
* No special bot fairy dust here
Step 3: Add some context
- $question->getContextParam($contextName, $paramName)
- $answer->setContext($name, $params, $lifetime)
- Here's what I did
- Look ma, no database!
Bot Built. Boom.
THanks! Questions?
- - these slides
- - requirements doc
- -
- - me!
- - my code!
Build a Bot - PNWPHP 2017
By Ian Littman
Build a Bot - PNWPHP 2017
Build a Bot workshop
- 2,230