Quick notes on EC2 storage

Dog Days of DevOps 2024

Ian Littman / @ian@phpc.social

Slides at ian.im/dd24

We're ignoring S3 (sorta)

  • EBS
  • Instance store
  • EFS


  • Always used for your boot volume
  • Can attach additional data volumes
  • Can be moved around hosts, and can persist detached
  • Performance can be reprovisioned online (will optimize in background)
  • Snapshots
    • Background-loaded from S3 (low perf); to force a quicker load use fio
    • Can be warmed for instant full performance for 75¢/hr

EBS Volume Types

  • You probably want gp3
    • Normally 125 MB/s, 3k IOPS
    • Max of 1 GB/s, 16k IOPS (for more $$)
    • Use software RAID to stripe volumes for additional performance
    • Instances have bandwidth limits for EBS
  • io2 exists ($$$), for up to 4GB/s, 256k IOPS, multi-attach
  • Magnetic volume types exist for cheap throughput or cold storage

Instance store


  • Low-latency NFS mount accessible from multiple instances
  • High per-file-system total throughput + IOPS
    • 30 GiB/s read
    • 5 GiB/s write
    • 90k-250k IOPS
  • 1,500 MiB/s per client
  • Requires special handling to get max performance
  • Numbers above for Elastic Throughput; prices charge along two dimensions
    • per GB stored (e.g. 30¢/mo)
    • per GB transferred (e.g. 6¢)
    • Can trade performance and cost for cheaper storage and more expensive transfer


Questions? Find me here, at @ian@phpc.social, or @iansltx

Slides: https://ian.im/dd24

Quick Notes on EC2 Storage - Dog Days of DevOps 2024

By Ian Littman

Quick Notes on EC2 Storage - Dog Days of DevOps 2024

  • 48