One Stop Queueing System



That's What We Thought, Too

Here's What We Thought the Project Was

  1. Read a card swipe
  2. Post data to SalesForce API
  3. Receive updates via SalesForce over HTTP


Let's Code

Or, you know, not.

As we began to discuss, we found we also needed ways to:

  • Show the Queue to people waiting
  • Get preferred names from SalesForce
  • Maintain our oAuth credentials with SalesForce
  • Release new versions of the Ember applications
  • Tell the Kiosks when One Stop is closed
  • Prevent malicious users from running their own kiosks
  • Get configuration data quickly from SalesForce
  • Receive updates about students being called to the desk

Lesson 1

NoDUF isn't always better than BDUF


To Complexity and Beyond

Lesson 2:

Surprises = Regroup


External Services and Integration

As we worked, our systems grew. We had to handle communication between:

  • Ember Kiosk app
  • Ember Signage app
  • Rails for HTTP services
  • PeopleSoft for names
  • SalesForce for everything else

Lesson 3:

Stub what you don't control

Lesson 3.1:

But stubs will destroy you


Let's Deploy This Stuff

What is of more value?

  1. A deployed app that's missing a feature
  2. A great app that only runs on your laptop

Lesson 4:

Deploy First

(AKA: 'Works fine on my machine' isn't working)


Students, Students Everywhere

Lesson 5:

Browsers still matter, sadly

Lesson 6:

Even flawed projects can be awesome

Lesson 1Lesson 2:Lesson 3:Lesson 3.1:Lesson 4:Lesson 5:Lesson 6:

By Ian Whitney

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