Start your MVP

tips and tricks

Icaro Caldeira Carreira

  • Software Engineer @ RankMyApp

  • 9+ experience with web development

  • Community leader @ Nerdzão

  • Community manager @ NodeBr

  • Speaker


Minimum Viable Product

Initial value of your product / startup

Needs validation

The most important part is your customer's feedback, so let them talk!


Minimum Lovable Product

“to deliver a solution that is so extraordinary on the most important dimension that it inspires positive emotion in your customers.”

Comes after customer's feedback


Adapt your ideas to your customer's feedback

Make your product better

Even change the concept of your project

Once you pivot, don't look back


It's just the way you build your product

Try to build your product with the tech that you are already familiar with

The most important thing for your MVP is to put it out there as fast as you can

After your product is validated, start to work on it

Landing page

This is the first step to your MVP

Gather leads, experiment, receive feedback from your customers

Make it beautiful, attractive, lovable

Sell your idea, and of course your product


Pieces of code ready for your productivity

Don't get too attached with your code, it changes every single time, every single interaction, every sprint

Start with it, and them customize as much as you want






Tests, CI, CD

Should I worry about this?

Yes, and no

As soon as your code get bigger and more "profesional", yes!

If you still on an MVP phase, your product can (and probably will) change a lot

Make automated tests, make your deploy easier, it will save you a lot of time

Final product

Wow, it's production ready

Make your customers want it

Make it better

Keep evolving it!





Start your MVP - tips and tricks

By Icaro Caldeira

Start your MVP - tips and tricks

  • 350