Digital Design

Day 6: Getting started on final projects

Comprehensive Rules

  • Eating allowed only 8am to 9am and during the break
    • Students must wash hands before touching computers 
    • Students must clean up after themselves
    • No open bottles around computers
    • If there is an excess of crumbs in the room, or if anyone eats while an instructor is talking, no one will be allowed to eat in class
  • Log out of computers and plug them in before leaving classroom
  • Do not attempt to leave classroom until dismissed 
  • Everyone gets respect/no tilting on chairs/no Minecraft or Giphy/Leave no one behind

Administrative Comments

  • What happened last week?
    • Why was the syntax emphasis important?
  • Update on prizes
  • Update on Pokemon Go excursion
  • Plan for the week


  • Get into pairs 
  • You may use notes
  • Work on the worksheet
    • Put your name on them, but do not turn them in
    • We will go over them after everyone is done

General Design Concepts

  • Color theory
  • Page layouts
  • Good design vs bad design

Very Basic Color Theory

  • Color wheel 
    • Contrasting colors
    • Adjacent colors

Page layouts

  • Font
  • Spacing
  • Text alignment
  • Clutter

Good Design


Bad design


Final projects

  • For your final project, you will -- as a team -- create a web page for a good cause
    • A charitable organization
    • A cause you feel passionately about
    • Bring awareness to an issue
  • You will present your final projects on Friday, and have this entire until then to work on it 
  • Your final projects will be in groups of three
    • We will let you choose your own groups, but make sure you choose wisely.
    • There will be one group of two


  • Each team will receive a piece of graph paper.
    • ONE piece of graph paper. Be careful how you use it. 
    • We suggest you use pencil and draw lightly at first
  • Figure out what your good cause will be
  • You will sketch out the home page/index.html of your website. 
  • Pay attention to margins and padding 
    • The reason we are using graph paper is so you can see how everything will be spaced out


  • Find some good images for your website. 
    • Save them to a folder called "assets" on your Desktop (for now)
    • Name the photos appropriately
  • Perhaps using some of the images you've found, come up with a color palette for your website:
    • Sign up 
    • Tools > PHOTOCOPA or COPASO

Digital Design Day 6: Getting started on personal projects

By ifang

Digital Design Day 6: Getting started on personal projects

  • 414