Re-Imagining Virtual Physicality

Carmiella Zorzi

Founder, Executive Director

Dynamic Archive Workshop

How can we gain more helpful insights

into the zeitgeists of imagination

'behind the scenes'

of our external behaviours

through arts-based in-person and virtual interactivity, creation, exchange,

and data analysis?

How can a virtual space hold creative

chaos in a way that is

inviting and generative

of authentic meaning-making?

How can more creative, playful dialogues

lead to effective collaborative solutions

for real world problems?










How were the arts-based explorations structured?


Expressive Arts Methodology based in the philosophies of phenomenology and poiesis

  • Sensitize to the phenomena of our inquiry (imaginative, visual, kinesthetic, audio, sensorial)
  • Let the cognitive mind relax, follow your emergent creative impulses allowing the questions at hand to fade out of focus
  • Iterate, refine
  • Present final works
  • Avoid interpretation or analysis until the very end of the process when we will return to the initial questions

Day 1: Researching The Phenomena of Inherent Difference

1. Pair off based on interest in global issue.


2. Explore the natural perceptual, structural differences in our imaginative experiences of the world.

Day 1: Researching The Phenomena of Inherent Difference

3. Research unspoken, enacted conflict, utilizing materiality of space and embodied opposition.


4. From lived experience to written dialogue; binary, conflictual note-passing

1. Fleshing out the conflict: from note passing to capoeira-inspired embodiment of creative conflict


2. 'Roda' of support for deepening imaginative dimensions of each planet's pressing global issue

Day 2:

Re-encountering Conflict Creatively

3. From embodied imagination to installation


4. From installation to virtual representation

Day 2:

Re-encountering Conflict Creatively

Day 3:

Virtual-Physical Conflict Sharing

Visit each group's installation. Speak and show installation live while recording verbal descriptions of each planet's story and sharing virtual presentations




Stay in touch....
    ...       ...

Final Presentation: Re-Imagining Virtual Physicality

By ImaginGeist

Final Presentation: Re-Imagining Virtual Physicality

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