Routing with vue.js
the cli, the single file components and the vue-router
dragosh, I build stuff
The Command Line Interface
vue init [template name] [project]
npm i -g vue-cli
- no build process
- no project.json
- no dependencies
lite-server/live-server will just start the index.html
vue init simple simple-prj
whats included:
webpack simple
vue init webpack-simple wp-simple-prj
whats included:
- npm run dev: Webpack + vue-loader with proper config for source maps & hot-reload.
- npm run build: build with HTML/CSS/JS minification.
webpack (prd ready)
vue init webpack wp-simple-prj
whats included:
- npm run dev: first-in-class development experience.
- npm run build: Production ready build.
- npm run unit: Unit tests.
- npm run e2e: End-to-end tests with Nightwatch.
vue init pwa pwa-prj
whats included:
- Service Worker precaching of application shell + static assets
- Script (async chunk) preloading using <link rel="preload">
- Web Application Manifest + favicons
- Mobile-friendly meta-viewport
- Lighthouse score of 90+/100
The single file components
vue's way of doing web components
Vue Loader to the resque
vue-loader is a loader for webpack that can transform Vue components written in a specific format into a plain JavaScript module.
- ES2015 enabled by default;
- Allows using other webpack loaders for each part of a Vue component, for example Sass for <style> and Jade for <template>;
- Allows custom sections in a .vue file that can have custom loader chains applied to them
- Treat static assets referenced in <style> and <template> as module dependencies and handle them with webpack loaders;
- Can simulate scoped CSS for each component (PostCSS);
- Supports component hot-reloading during development.
File structure
supported langs
We can also use preprocessors such as Pug, Babel (with ES2015 modules), and Stylus for cleaner and more feature-rich components.
You could as easily use Bublé, TypeScript, SCSS, PostCSS - or whatever other preprocessors that help you be productive. If using Webpack with vue-loader, it also has first-class support for CSS Modules.
The vue-router
vue's way of doing SPA navigation
Getting started
Dynamic routes
Programatic navigation
Named routes
Named views
props & route components
Navigation guards
Navigation guards provided by vue-router are primarily used to guard navigations either by redirecting it or canceling it. There are a number of ways to hook into the route navigation process: globally, per-route, or in-component.
Params or query changes won't trigger enter/leave navigation guards. You can either watch the $route object to react to those changes, or use the beforeRouteUpdate in-component guard.
Global Guards
to: Route: the target Route Object being navigated to.
from: Route: the current route being navigated away from.
next: Function: this function must be called to resolve the hook.
next(), next(false),next('/'), next({ path: '/' }), next(error)(transfer to router.onError())
Per-Route Guard
In-Component Guards
Data fetching
Fetching After Navigation: perform the navigation first, and fetch data in the incoming component's lifecycle hook.
Fetching Before Navigation: Fetch data before navigation in the route enter guard, and perform the navigation after data has been fetched.
Fetching After Navigation
Fetching Before Navigation
Lazy loading routes
let's see some code!
spring rest api
postgresql (docker)
Thank you for your time & attention!
Dragos Stefanescu
routing with vue.js
By Dragosh
routing with vue.js
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