Driving Meaningful and Rewarding Change

At Work

Our Services

We help brainstorm, discuss and review your approach to these areas below using our acquired insights based on the combined experience of our facilitators.



Continuous Improvement

Help setup documentation, detailing, retrospective and continuous improvement processes.


Develop core coding skills with our Art of Programming sessions, code reviews and project reviews and re-architecture feedback.

Art of Programming

Open communication lines by guiding kickoffs and town hall meetings.

Healthy Communication

Build a cross role Quality Overseeing team that works closely with management to improve Organisational Excellence.

Organisational Excellence

Setup internal upskilling process where juniors are mentored to drive a peer trained growing repository.


Junior take lead

Knowledge base growth

Peer Training

Help create a talent portal where invitation videos are made to future employees.

Highlight and Align

teams and individuals

Promote healthy

work culture

Invite candidates

Showcase talent

YieldMore - At Work

By Imran Ali Namazi