Famous Canadians - Who Did What?

Ingrid Vooglaid

Celine Dion and Jim Carrey

Pictures: Celine Dion:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/anirudhkoul/2814949746 

Jim Carrey:  https://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fail:Jim_Carrey_Cannes_2009_(cropped).jpg 



Celine Dion or Jim Carrey?

1. Dropped out of school to provide for his/her family.

2. Is of Canadian-French descent.

3. Is the youngest of 14 children.

4. Advocates against the use of harmful chemicals in vaccinations for children.


1. Jim Carrey. His family was very poor after his father lost his job. 

2. They both are of Canadian-French descent.

3. Celine Dion. Jim Carrey is the youngest of four.

4. Jim Carrey.






Famous Canadians

By ingridv

Famous Canadians

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