NYC Open Data Week

CUNY Queens College Student Showcase 20180304


Inspire the next generation of data scientists to create tools using open data.



Prepare 5-10 participants to present tools they made from NYC Open Data with Python on CrossCompute.


  1. Work with each student to create a tool proposal.
    • ​​Who are the users of the proposed tool?
    • What question does the tool answer?
    • What data can we use to answer the question?
  2. Work with each student to draft milestones for a tool that can be completed in two weeks.
  3. Help students deploy milestone 1 and 2.

Week 0 ending 1/27

~20 students

  • Can code but not with Python
  • Not familiar with NYC Open Data
  • Not familiar with data science as a career path

Week 5 ending 3/03

~12 students

  • Have practiced basic data analysis using Python
  • Have created a tool (app that other people can run) from NYC Open Data on CrossCompute


Next Steps

We believe that the best way to inspire the next generation of data scientists is by having students create tools (apps) using open data.

  • Expand this mentor model to more schools.
  • Build a data science curriculum with open data.
  • Find more mentors.
  • Gather tool requests (that students can build) from professionals.
  • Find a way to fund this work.


NYC Mayor's Office: Adrienne Schmoeker, Denna Patel, Albert Webber

CUNY Queens College: Dr. Ying Zhou, Kashfi Fahim

CUNY Queens College Students: Muhammad Raza, Yasin Ehsan, Polina Chernomaz, Rodrigo Guarachi, Jazmyn Fuller, Stylianos Phanartzis, Xiaochen Wang, Eric Hu, Rajwinder Munder, Karsh Patel, Constantino Zenteno, Chen Liangyong, Hong Hu

CrossCompute: Roy Hyunjin Han, Salah Ahmed

Python Software Foundation

NYC Open Data Week - CUNY Queens College - Student Showcase 20180304

By Roy Hyunjin Han

NYC Open Data Week - CUNY Queens College - Student Showcase 20180304

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