YOU can

Create Tools

to Influence Policy



using                        and                                    

YOU can influence policy by creating tools that let policymakers explore the impact of their decisions.

You can CREATE TOOLS to influence policy using open data.

CrossCompute is a website where you can create and run tools for analyzing open data.

If you can write code in Jupyter Notebook, you can create tools on the CrossCompute website that thousands of people around the world can run.

You do not have to create a tool from scratch -- you can improve a tool that someone else has made.

If you join us for the workshop, we will work in pairs to create a tool that extracts human trafficking incidents from court cases and news articles.

I hope we have inspired you to create tools to fight for freedom and influence policy.

YOU can influence policy by creating tools that let policymakers explore the impact of their decisions.


If you know how to write code in Jupyter Notebook, you can create tools on the CrossCompute website that thousands of people around the world can run.

Workshop Exercises

Thank you to Civic Hall, NYC PyLadies and the Python Software Foundation for making this event possible

YOU Can Influence Policy

By Roy Hyunjin Han

YOU Can Influence Policy

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