Exploring Gravitational-Wave Detection and Parameter Inference using Deep Learning

The 2022 ITP Postdoctoral Symposium

He Wang (王赫)

co-advisor: Zong-Kuan Guo (郭宗宽)

hewang@mail.bnu.edu.cn / hewang@itp.ac.cn

hewang@itp.ac.cn / hewang@mail.bnu.edu.cn
FYI: I will speak in Chinese for the sake of clarity.
  • Motivation
  • GW detection
  • GW parameter estimation
  • In progress...



  • It's necessary to speed up...
  • It has the potential to discover more...

Gravitation wave data analysis with machine learning

From: LIGO-G2102497

Binary detection rates

  • O3 ~ 1/5 days
  • O4 ~ 1/2 days
  • O5 ~ 3 / day

Simulated Event Stream for a one year duration O4 run

  • The current Matched filtering technique is computationally expansive.
  • More GW events are coming...
  • We proposed a brand-new architecture, called matched-filtering convolutional neural network (MFCNN), as a GW trigger generator
  • Advantages combined:
    • Matched filtering (weak signal extraction) + AI (pattern recognition)
  • Earth-based GW detection
    • Recovering the three GW events in O1.
    • Recovering all GW events in O2, even including GW170817 event.
    • With 33 events (H1+L1) in O3a (39 events in total), it has 87.9% sensitivity detection rate, only 4 of them are misclassified.
    • Efficiency: ~ ms
  • Although it has an extraordinary sensitivity to GW detection, the FAR is embarrassing. (FAR: 1/ day)

Ref: He Wang, Shichao Wu, Zhoujian Cao, Xiaolin Liu, and Jian-Yang Zhu. Physical Review D 101, no. 10 (May 2020): 104003.

GW detection

  • Space-based GW detection (MBHBs)
    • We present a model with robust sensitivity to numerous GW sources and modulation of massive black hole binaries (MBHBs) waveform family.
    • Our model is capable of processing 1-year of data, simulated from the LISA data challenge (LDC), in several seconds only, while identifying all coalescences of MBHBs with no false alarms.
    • Our analysis represents a starting point from which a neural network trained on Gaussian and stationary background noise can be applied to realistic non-Gaussian and non-stationary data.
    • The generalization ability of the supervised learning approach can be extended to various TDI configurations and can also be greatly useful for future space-based GW detectors.
  • Again it has an extraordinary sensitivity to GW detection, but we still don't know how to design a FAR for each candidates.

Ref: Wen-Hong Ruan, He Wang, Chang Liu, and Zong-Kuan Guo. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2111.14546, November 2021.

GW detection

Ref: CunLiang Ma, Wei Wang, He Wang, and Zhoujian Cao. Physical Review D 105, no. 8 (April 25, 2022): 083013.

  • Q: How to produce the detection statistics based on ?
  • A: Try ensemble learning!
  • An ensemble model is capable of processing 1-month of LIGO data from O2 identifying all coalescences of CBC with no false alarms.
  • FAR could be reduced dramatically with the ensemble learning method. 
  • FAR: 1 / 0.3 month

GW detection

  • Curse of Dimensionality
    • May take several days to several weeks to run parameter estimation on a single event.
    • Traditional statistical methods scale poorly in time/accuracy for
      datasets described by many parameters.

    • Machine learning algorithms perform very well in exploiting
      correlations across a large number of dimensions

    • We tackle this issue by thinking out of the box and directly using the information from the "future", as opposed to the others' work by exploring network structure.

  • “Prior Sampling”

    • Therefore the key question is how to effectively sample the feature space.

    • This is essentially equivalent to incorporating the physical domain knowledge into the high-dimensional training data.

    • In our case, we use the interim distribution (alpha=1) that is derived from the Monte Carlo method as a representation of the prior physical knowledge.

A diagram of prior sampling between feature space and physical parameter space

Parameter estimation

Ref: He Wang, Zhoujian Cao, Yue Zhou, Zong-Kuan Guo, and Zhixiang Ren. Big Data Mining and Analytics 5, no. 1 (2022): 53–63.

  • It implies that roughly 10% of physical prior knowledge incorporated is enough for accurate Bayesian inference of the high-dimensional gravitational-wave data.
  • Although we recognize a similar idea that applies the normalizing flow technique to characterize the distribution exits in the previous works [Green & Gair (2020), 2106.12594], our method still differs from the recent study in GW study:
    1. Improved data preparation
      (sampling all 15 dims instead of extrinsic only)
    2. Prior sampling to construct the training dataset with domain knowledge using the SMOTETomek technique.
      (Relatively a better performance than [Green & Gair (2020)])
    3. Effectively and efficiently perform Bayesian inference on ultra-high dimension gravitational-wave data.
      (8s for 50,000 posterior samples)


Parameter estimation

Ref: He Wang, Zhoujian Cao, Yue Zhou, Zong-Kuan Guo, and Zhixiang Ren. Big Data Mining and Analytics 5, no. 1 (2022): 53–63.

  • Machine Learning Gravitational-Wave Search (Mock Data) Challenge
  • Waveformer 实时引力波探测数据降噪模型
    • 基于大模型 BERT 架构和引力波数据的特点改进的端到端降噪算法
    • 实现对大量引力波真实探测数据进行高效流分析,实时推断效率:约 50ms / 8s 数据
    • 对于 GWTC-1 的 10 个双黑洞并合系统所产生的引力波信号, 平均模型降噪后的波形与对应模板的 overlap ~ 97%
  • GWToolkit 引力波数据生成与分析处理软件
    • 可构建完整的引力波数据预处理或后处理流程,实现批量真实非源数据或模拟噪声的生成,采用新型定制化白化滤波器,基于官方 lalsuite 波形模板库。
    • Repo: https://github.com/iphysresearch/GWToolkit (private)

In progress


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Exploring Gravitational-Wave Detection and Parameter Inference using Deep Learning

By He Wang

Exploring Gravitational-Wave Detection and Parameter Inference using Deep Learning

The 2022 ITP Postdoctoral Symposium

  • 847