Terrell Russell, Ph.D.


Chief Technologist, iRODS Consortium

June 8-11, 2021

iRODS User Group Meeting 2021

Virtual Event

iRODS Policy:

Read-only local analysis

staging policy for BRAIN-I

iRODS Policy:

Read-only local analysis

staging policy for BRAIN-I

BRAIN-I Project - Overview

Collaboration between

    • Steve Cox, Director, Software Architecture
    • Terrell Russell, Chief Technologist, iRODS Consortium
  • UNC Neuroscience Microscopy Core (NMC) in the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine
    • Michelle Itano, Director
  • Stein Lab in the UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Genetics
    • Jason Stein, Director
    • Oleh Krupa, Ph.D.


The Stein Lab studies how variations in the genome affect the structure and development of the brain, and in doing so, create risk for neuropsychiatric illnesses. One of the lab's research projects involves using high-powered optical microscopes to create extremely detailed images of mouse brains.

BRAIN-I Project - Architecture

BRAIN-I Project - Use Cases

Developed with stakeholders:

  • scientists doing the capture
  • lab technicians
  • lab director
  • microscopy core director
  • RENCI infrastructure
  • iRODS developer / administrator


Over the course of 2-3 months.


Four main use cases defined and agreed to...

BRAIN-I Project - Use Cases - 1 of 4

NMC1. Import of data to iRODS: A lab member saves image data into a well-known location on a local disk attached to the iRODS server (Maybe a folder named 'iRODS import').  (Maybe this can be automated later, but for now... just 'saved/moved' is good enough).  The lab member expects the data to appear in iRODS, perhaps with some particular permissions, perhaps with some particular metadata (provided or extracted or associated).  The lab expects the data to be managed/moved off the local disk, so it doesn't fill up. Ideally, once in iRODS, there would be a backup made to a second more secure location.  Once copied into another iRODS location with more storage, the import files are removed from the local disk.


SOLUTION - Storage Tiering (and possibly automated ingest)

BRAIN-I Project - Use Cases - 2 of 4

NMC2. Import of data to iRODS and local analysis:  A lab member saves image data into a well-known location on a local disk attached to the iRODS server (Maybe a folder named 'iRODS import').  (Maybe this can be automated later, but for now... just 'saved/moved' is good enough).  The lab member expects the data to appear in iRODS, perhaps with some particular permissions, perhaps with some particular metadata (provided or extracted or associated).  The lab expects the data to be managed/moved off the local disk, so it doesn't fill up. Ideally, once in iRODS, there would be a backup made to a second more secure location.  Once copied into another iRODS location with more storage, the import files are moved to an ‘analysis’ folder on the local iRODS server.


SOLUTION - Storage Tiering (and labels for 'local analysis')  local analysis could be read-only in the vault, perhaps with permissions changed(?!), or another local copy if read/write was important.   And any products of local analysis would get routed back through the front door of iRODS.   Also possible NFSRODS, but concerns about network latency are real.

BRAIN-I Project - Use Cases - 3 of 4

NMC3. Local iRODS analysis: Analysis of files on the local iRODS server from the 'analysis' folder using the local hardware accessible.  Could be a custom python script, Matlab code, or through iRODS on ImageJ or Napari.  Ideally, would utilize as much computational power as is available, without making it impossible for another user to run a job.  Not sure if this can be set to somehow utilize up to 100% or 90% power, but then if another job is started to drop down to maybe 75% or something like that?  Or maybe only do that if the job is set to last more than 6 hours, or some relatively arbitrary 'long time'.  Leaving 25% for other jobs to still run during that time period?  Otherwise for 'shorter' times jobs would be run sequentially with full computational power?  Would ideally save analyzed files into the 'iRODS import' folder where again it would be copied and moved to a larger external iRODS server, and removed from the local drive to free up space.  Files remaining in the 'analysis' folder would still be accessible to run code on locally.


SOLUTION - taken care of by solution to NMC2

BRAIN-I Project - Use Cases - 4 of 4

NMC4. External user iRODS access to published data: Published data would be put on an iRODS protected folder and available post publication for download.  Ideally, this would be a very quick process, not requiring a person to verify the request validity.  But would also be good to mark how many times files had been downloaded, track who downloaded (maybe just by email address and verifying that address was real?), and if possible allow users to only download specific file sets and not the entire file set.  Would want to also ensure that downloading this data wouldn’t take up all the bandwidth for the iRODS server.


SOLUTION - storage tiering and labeling of particular collections or data objects - policy can fire and run the 'publish()' function… whatever that is defined to be…


BRAIN-I Project - Design Goals

  • Automatic Storage Tiering to primary storage at RENCI
  • Manual targeting of files to NMC for local analysis
  • Manual targeting of files to future location as published

BRAIN-I Project - Proposed Solution

  • 3 storage resources
    • NMC-ingest on workstation
    • primary at RENCI
    • NMC-analysis on workstation
  • automated ingest configured to register in place into NMC-ingest
  • storage tiering configured
    • NMC-ingest on workstation -> primary at RENCI
  • local NMC analysis use case
    • pep_metadata_add_post()
      • replicate collection or object to NMC-analysis
      • set physical permissions to read-only for others on NMC workstation
    • pep_metadata_remove_post()
      • trim replica from NMC-analysis
  • publishing use case
    • pep_metadata_add_post()
      • replicate/checksum/doi to public area (TBD)

BRAIN-I Project - Proposed Solution - Takeaways

  • Always a replica in primary storage at RENCI after initial migration process
    • could be from nearly 'real-time' to '1 hour' to '1 day' or '1 week'
    • set minimum restage tier to RENCI-primary, so nothing ever restages
  • Allows for manual replication/tagging to manage analysis area (a second replica)
  • Allows for future manual tagging for publication
  • Cloud Apps pull from always-available primary at RENCI, do not trigger replication

BRAIN-I Project - Implemented Policy

As part of the BRAIN-I project, this iRODS policy set defines the policies for data analysis, replication, and retention in the NMC.


There are two parts of the policy managing the data flow within the iRODS Zone:


  • Automatic
    The iRODS Storage Tiering Framework is handling newly ingested data and moving it into the long-term storage housed at RENCI. RENCI is providing storage and visualization tooling that prioritizes that local, long-term storage.


  • Manual
    When NMC staff want to run local analysis on data already in the iRODS namespace, they can 'tag' the data of interest, and this policy will manage the replication to their local machine, set permissions, and prevent removal of that data from the system until it has been 'untagged'. Once 'untagged', the data will be trimmed from the researchers' local storage and remain housed only in long-term storage at RENCI.

BRAIN-I Project - Architecture

$ git clone https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core
$ time bash bats-core/bin/bats test_nmc_analysis.bats
 ✓ tag a collection
 ✓ tag a data object
 ✓ untag a collection
 ✓ untag a data object
 ✓ overwrite a tagged data object
 ✓ overwrite a data object under a tagged collection
 ✓ trim a tagged data object - DISALLOWED
 ✓ trim a data object under a tagged collection - DISALLOWED
 ✓ remove a tagged data object - DISALLOWED
 ✓ remove a tagged collection - DISALLOWED
 ✓ remove a data object under a tagged collection - DISALLOWED
 ✓ remove a collection under a tagged collection - DISALLOWED
 ✓ remove a collection containing a tagged data object - DISALLOWED
 ✓ remove a collection containing a tagged collection - DISALLOWED
 ✓ untag an enqueued data object - DISALLOWED
 ✓ untag a collection with an enqueued descendent data object - DISALLOWED

16 tests, 0 failures

real    2m4.745s
user    0m8.606s
sys     0m2.172s

BRAIN-I Project - Testing

BRAIN-I Project - Status

$ iquest "%s" "select count(DATA_ID) where RESC_NAME = 'nmc-ingest'"

$ iquest "%s" "select count(DATA_ID) where RESC_NAME = 'nmc-analysis'"

$ iquest "%s" "select count(DATA_ID) where RESC_NAME = 'renciResc'"

$ iquest "%s" "select sum(DATA_SIZE) where RESC_NAME = 'renciResc'" \
  | awk '{print $1/1024^3 " GB "}'
12743.7 GB

BRAIN-I Project - Future Work

  • Automated Ingest (Landing Zone)
  • Manual tagging for publication
  • Additional microscopes
  • Additional labs
nmc_target_resource = 'nmc-analysis'
nmc_remote_hostname = 'localhost'
nmc_change_permission_script = 'nmc_set_permissions.sh'
nmc_a = 'nmc'
nmc_v = 'analysis'
nmc_u = ''
nmc_enqueued = '{}::enqueued'.format(nmc_a)




BRAIN-I Project


BRAIN-I Project

UGM 2021 - iRODS Policy: Read-only local analysis staging policy for BRAIN-I

By iRODS Consortium

UGM 2021 - iRODS Policy: Read-only local analysis staging policy for BRAIN-I

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