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Isn't JIRA an issue tracker?
Can also be used for Requirements Management
Atlassian (creators) use Confluence + JIRA for requirements management
Atlassian's Workflow
- Use Confluence for internal discussion and general requirements gathering and project discussion.
- Create issues from requirements using Confluence's JIRA integration
- Enables viewing both requirements content and issues in line for the corresponding project.
- Confluence's wiki enables devs to edit requirements when necessary
- Keeps both stakeholders and devs current
Can also create a custom issue type for requirements
Allows you to use JIRA for RM w/o Confluence
With custom issue type, you can define different workflows than normal issues
Subtasks are a quick and easy way to add requirements and keep them linked together
JIRA is also extremely extensible
Sample of Requirements Management Plugins
- JIRA Connector for Jama Contour
- RMsis - A Requirement Management Extension for JIRA
- Wikidsmart (Requirements and Test Case Management)
Many more available in Atlassian Marketplace

Video Demo
By Isaac Boehman
- 1,666