
computer science

social science


AI/ML learning theory and applications

Complex systems

Implication of AI in Future of Societay

University of Chicago Medicine

The Laboratory for Zero Knowledge Discovery

ishanu chattopadhyay

Problem: Event-level prediction in social systems,

e.g. predicting crime before it happens

Predictive intelligence for security


Can we predict complex spatio-temporal stochastic processes?

Rotaru, Victor, Yi Huang, Timmy Li, James Evans, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. "Event-level prediction of urban crime reveals a signature of enforcement bias in US cities." Nature human behaviour 6, no. 8 (2022): 1056-1068.

Clip from Joe Rogan's Podcast aired July 2022 for educational/non-commercial purposes under fair use guidelines.

The Problem of Free Will





  • Predict the spatio-temporal event risk
  • NOT individual people
  • CANNOT be used for individual "pre-arrests"
  • No manual selection of factors
  • No "lists"
  • Uses only de-identified data
  • Can use the models to "audit" the state
  • Identify and reveal enforcement biases
  • Democratization of AI

The Underlying Math


Very different from past efforts

Not based on standard "Deep Learning"

The Underlying Math

Not based on standard "Deep Learning"

  • Forecasting rare events in  multi-variable stochastic evolution requires new modeling architecture​
  • Learn local "activation functions" as symbolic probabilistic transducers
  • Assemble these local predictors into a "fractal net"

Applies to any rare/extreme event phenomena

Ishanu Chattopadhyay, Yi Huang, James Evans et al. Deep Learning Without Neural Networks: Fractal-nets for Rare Event Modeling, 26 October 2020, PREPRINT (Version

93% accuracy

87% AUC

~70% specificity at ~80% sensitivity

Chicago Predictive Performance

10 actual crimes:

11 predicted:

8 correct:

2 missed:

3 false alarms

1 Week in advance

Within ~2 city blocks

ONLY Past eventlog as input

Triangles: actual events


heatmap: predicted risk 3 days ahead

 Jan 1 2016 - April 1 2019


100 crimes

Raise 103 flags

90 correct flags

13 false positives

10 missed

Could we have predicted this?


Double homicide

Jan 7 2019

Triple homicide incident

Jan 7 2019

Triangles: actual events


heatmap: predicted risk 3 days ahead

Not just a predictor

Digital Twin of social interactions

Predict policy effects

Precise predictation

Reveal enforcement bias


By Ishanu Chattopadhyay


AI in Bio-med-social problems

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