Uncovering A Digital Twin of the Maturing Infant Microbiome 

Sizemore, Nicholas, Kaitlyn Oliphant, Ruolin Zheng, Camilia R. Martin, Erika C. Claud, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. "A digital twin of the infant microbiome to predict neurodevelopmental deficits." Science Advances 10, no. 15 (2024): eadj0400.

ishanu chattopadhyay

Nicholas Sizemore

Kaitlyn Oliphant

Erika Claud

Camilia Martin


Can microbial assay from gut actionably

pre-empt developmental deficit?

Assuming  a 1000 species ecosystem, and 1 successful experiment every day to discern a single two-way relationship, we would need 1,368 years to go through all possibilities. If we look for 3 way interactions, we would need 454,844 years

The Need for AI-accelerated Scale-up

Digital Twin Inference

  • Consider ecosystem of many inbitants
  • The abundunce of each entity is a variable
  • The variables interact in complex ways
  • We are going to model this cross-talk

The QNet Framework

Lets see an example of this approach

Chattopadhyay, Ishanu, Kevin Wu, Jin Li, and Aaron Esser-Kahn. "Emergenet: Fast Scalable Pandemic Risk Assessment of Influenza A Strains Circulating In Non-human Hosts." (2023). Under Review in Nature


Consider how mutations in a viral genome "cross-talk"


We can infer these co-depndecies using the same approach

\Phi_i:\prod_{j \neq i} \Sigma_j \rightarrow \mathcal{D}(\Sigma_i)


recursive forest

Each tree (model for variable) uses other variables as features

An Emergent Recursive Model

Lets go back to the Microbiome Problem


construct qnet


Q-net inferred with typical patients


Q-net inferred with patients with neurodevelopmental deficit

We infer two digital twins: One for typical development, one for sub-optimal development

completely uninformative state




Q-net inferred with typical patients

Q-net inferred with patients with neurodevelopmental deficit

Then we need to decide if an observed profile was generated by the typical model or the sub-optimal model

Risk of Time-stamped Microbial Profile to lead to Developmental Deficit

Risk = \frac{\textrm{Prob. of deficit model}}{\textrm{Prob. of typical model}}

How different are the individual estimators for typical and deficit models?

Bacilli 30



Coriobacteria 32



Gammaproteobacteria 32



All Patients

Feeding Variables added

Ability to "fill in" missing data is equivalent to making trajectory forecasts

Our risk measure is highly predictive and actionable

Which entities are most predictive?

Just add those microbes back?

No! Our results indicate that supplantations need to be patient specific

No transplantation is guaranteed to work reliably

Predicted to reduce

risk reliably

Predicted to reduce

risk reliably

Supplantation MUST be bacteroidia

Supplantation MUST be Actinobacteria

No risk-decreasing supplantation

Network Interpretations? We see clear differences between two cases




Answer the question: "what is a healthy microbiome?"


Explicit supplantation profiles that are tuned to individual ecosystems


Bioreactor experiments

Copy of icons

By Ishanu Chattopadhyay

Copy of icons

Predictive modeling of crime and rare phenomena using fractal nets

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