Future Algorithms and Future Leaders in AI for Medicine:


From Test-free Screening, to
Digital twins in Medicine to Training

The Next Generation of BioAI-Experts

Ishanu Chattopadhyay, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

University of Chicago


first wave


rule-based systems


second wave


Big Data / ML / Deep Learning

recognize patterns, make predictions,  struggle on tasks not trained for

third wave


contextual reasoning, generlizable, towards true intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

                       1940 - 2024

Medicine is poised to enter a transformative era, ushered by the emergence of sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) models.


Enable more holistic approaches to medicine, where predictive patterns can be rapidly recognized and exploited



computer science

social science


AI/ML learning theory and applications

Complex systems

Implication of AI in Future of Societay

The Laboratory for Zero Knowledge Discovery


Alex Leow

Psychiatry UIC

Anna Podolanczuk, Pulmonary Care, Weill Cornell

Gary Hunninghake, Pulmonary C, Harvard

Robert Gibbons, Bio-statistics

Daniel Rubins, Anesthesia and Critical Care

Peter Smith, Pediatrics

Michael Msall Pediatrics

Fernando Martinez, Pulmonary Critical Care, Weill Cornell

James Mastrianni, Neurology

James Evans, sociology

Erika Claud, Pediatrics

Aaron Esser-Kahn Molecular Engineering

David Llewellyn

University of Exeter

Kenneth Rockwood

Dalhousie University

Andrew Limper Mayo Clinic

David Scwartz

University of Colorado, Pulmonary Genetics


Department of Pediatrics


Department of Neurology & The Memory Center


Department of Psychiatry


Pulmonary Critical Care, Weill Cornell

Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care


Center for Health Statistics


Pulmonary Critical Care, Harvard Medical School

Department of Psychiatry


Demon Network, Exeter, Alan Turing Institute, UK

Dalhousie University, Canada

Pritzker School of Molecular ENgineering

Social Science


Pulmomary and Genomics University of Colorado Anschutz

Los Alamos National Laboratory



D3M (I2O)





Nature Medicine

Nature Human Behavior

Nature Commun-ication

Science Advances









Impact on Popular Discourse on AI


National Pop-culture Discourse

Interviews, Op-eds, and Forum Appearences

  • Joe Rogan Podcast
  • Walter Isaacson Interview
  • Speaker on Pritzker Forum on Global Cities
  • >150 News articles written on published papers

Media Coverage

Rotaru, Victor, Yi Huang, Timmy Li, James Evans, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. "Event-level prediction of urban crime reveals a signature of enforcement bias in US cities." Nature human behaviour 6, no. 8 (2022): 1056-1068.


Research Direction 1

point-of-care screening for complex diseases

Can we use existing EHR to reliably screen for complex diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, dementia and rare cancers?


Electronic Healthcare Record 




Onishchenko, Dmytro, Robert J. Marlowe, Che G. Ngufor, Louis J. Faust, Andrew H. Limper, Gary M. Hunninghake, Fernando J. Martinez, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. "Screening for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis using comorbidity signatures in electronic health records." Nature Medicine 28, no. 10 (2022): 2107-2116.

Universal screening for complex diseases

Research Direction II

Can We Model Ecosystems As They Evolve ?

Can we predict future mutations? 

Digital Twins for complex systems

Can we find generative models for microbiome dynamics?

Teaching and Mentoring

  • CCTS 40500/ CCTS 20500 / BIOS 29208 MACHINE LEARNING IN BIOMEDICINE (2019-, Winter Quarter, 30 hrs, 100 units)
  • Mentored and guided research projects for undergraduate /graduate students/ Post-doctoral Associates (2016-)
  • MEDC/ISTP 42000 Topics In Biomedical Data Analysis - Big Data 2017 (6 hrs)
  • Mentoring undergraduate student (J. Lee) as a part of the Collegiate Translational Medicine Program (CTMP) (2018-2019)
  • Dr. Shahab Asoodeh

  • Dr. Yi Huang

  • Dmytro Onishenko

  • Victor Rotaru

  • Jin Li

  • Ruolin Zhang

  • David Yang

  • Dr. Nicholas Sizemore

  • Drew Vlasnik

  • Lucas Mantovani

  • Jaydeep Dhanoa

  • Jasmine Mithani

  • Angela Zhang

  • Warren Mo

  • Kevin Wu


Students, Postdocs and Mentees

Postdoc Placement:

Brookhaven National Laboratory, McGill University

Teaching AI

Math, Software, or Insight?

Developing the Human Capital To Lead The AI-Revolution

How do we teach AI?

Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science?

Start with the theorems?

medical education


A Future AI-Expert Must Have A Lay of The Land

Ultimately the actual coding is increasingly simple: However Need To Know What To Use When and Why?

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.5)

clf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=10, class_weight='balanced',n_estimators=100).fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingRegressor
from sklearn.svm import SVR

regr = BaggingRegressor(n_estimators=10,).fit(X_,y_)
regr = GradientBoostingRegressor(max_depth=None).fit(X_,y_)
regr = ExtraTreesRegressor(max_depth=None,n_estimators=100).fit(X_,y_)
regr = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=None,n_estimators=100).fit(X_,y_)

Ignite Interest

Show how You can Change The World

Example: Make problem-solving fun and adventurous


1854 London

Imagine you have been transported to 1854 London, during a cholera outbreak.


People are dying


The current scientific knowledge on germ theory is rudimentary, and mostly incorrect. There is no notion of epidemiology.

Your Goal:


Use data science

to correctly infer that:


1) cholera is most likely water-borne,

2) isolate source of the infection


1854 London

The data is as follows:

  • Confirmed cholera deaths
  • Water pump location (black square)


1854 London

John Snow (15 March 1813 – 16 June 1858) was an English physician and a leader in the development of anaesthesia and medical hygiene. He is considered one of the founders of modern epidemiology, in part because of his work in tracing the source of a cholera outbreak in Soho, London, in 1854, which he curtailed by removing the handle of a water pump. 


Snow used a dot map to illustrate the cluster of cholera cases around the pump. He also used statistics to illustrate the connection between the quality of the water source and cholera cases. Snow's study is regarded as the founding event of the science of epidemiology.

Q1. Is the disease waterborne?

  • Show that the probability of cholera deaths are strongly spatially associated with location of water pumps

Q2. Locate the pump that is most likely the source of the disease, with estimated probability

  • Show that an unique pump is central to the estimated distribution of deaths

Hint: Use different ensemble regressors to estimate the distrbution of deaths on a fine grid, trained with the data that is available

  • How do you know which regressor is most "believable"?

Can you retrace J. Snow's argument?


  • AMGEN Scientific Advisory Board, Future trends in asthma, COPD, and IPF
  • AlphaRecon Scientific Advisory Board, AI In Event prediction in Complex systems
  • MacLean Center For Bioethics - Summer Lectures
  • Harper Lecture, 2023
  • Organizer:  Workshops on Crimes of Prediction, Neubauer Collegium
  • Organizer:  Workshop on Data-driven Discovery of Models (D3M)
  • Scientific Advisor, Adiona Health, 2022-current (Dementia management)
  • Co-Mentoring MD Trainees at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in critical pulmonary care (with Gary Hunninghake)
  • Advisory Presentations, Cook County Commission on Social Innovation


  • Steering Committee Member proposed AI in Medicine Center IN Biological Sciences Division (2022)
  • Faculty Search Committee for proposed AI in Medicine Center IN Biological Sciences Division (2022)
  • Faculty Search Committee for Research-Focused Faculty in Medicine/BSD with Social Sciences emphasis (2021)
  • Member of the Committee on Committee on Quantitative Methods in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences (2019-)
  • Member of the Committee on Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology (GGSB) (2018-)
  • Interviewed potential graduate students for GGSB (2019,2020,2021,2022,2023)
  • Member of Research Committee in the Section of Hospital Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago (2016-)
  • Interviewed candidates for the Clinical Informatics Fellowship in the Department of Medicine (2018)
  • Helped identify candidates for BSD Dean’s faculty search (Spearheaded by T. Conrad Gilliam) in the area of clinical/bio-medical data science (September 2017)



Transform bio-surveillance

Transform modeling of complex systems

Transform early diagnosis

Democratize AI unleashing its power for social good

"Empowering Minds, Transforming Futures: AI Innovation with Purpose."

Enabling technology to reduce human suffering

Enabling the Vulnerable

To Have a Voice

Early Life Interventions to maximize human potential

Health Equity


"Fusing Innovation with Compassion:

Advancing AI Research for the Greater Good."


Social  Justice and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 

Research Group Composition

Highly diverse, more than 40% women, and representative of UoC student population

40% Women in Undergraduate and graduate students

50% women among past postdoctoral associates

Research Direction 1

Universal Screening?

  • Autism
  • Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • Alzheimer's Disease and related dementia
  • Suicidality, PTSD
  • Perioperative Cardiac Event
  • Aggressive Melanoma
  • Uterine Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • ...      
  • non-existent biomarkers 


  • expensive, time-consuming diagnostic tests
  • Lack of Universal Screening at the point of care
  • Early diagnosis is difficult, late or missed diagnosis costs lives

Prognosis at Point-of-Diagnosis 

  • Optimizing Management

Patient Journey 

  • Continuous Risk Monitoring

Early Diagnosis

  • Universal Screening
  • Cohort Selection

Reduce screen failure rates

Holistic health surveillance

Predict antifibrotics continuation

improve outcomes




Interstitial Lung Disease / Pulmonary Fibrosis

Rapid Universal Point-of-care Screening for ILD/IPF Using Comorbidity Signatures in Electronic Health Records

Flag patients before they (or doctors) suspect 

Primary Care


Zero-burden Co-morbid Risk Score (ZCoR)


shortness of breath

dry cough

doctor can hear velcro crackles

Non-specific Symptoms

>50 years old

more men than women


Rare disease

~5 in 10,000



~4 years

Cannot always be seen on CXR

At least one misdiagnosis


Two or more misdiagnosis


Initially attributed to age related symptoms:


PCP workflow demands

Known Co-morbidities of PF

Are there more? Subtle footprints in the medical history that are more heterogeneous? 

~ 4yrs

current  survival ~4yrs

~ 4yrs

current clinical DX

ZCoR screening

Onishchenko, D., Marlowe, R.J., Ngufor, C.G. et al. Screening for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis using comorbidity signatures in electronic health records. Nat Med 28, 2107–2116 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-02010-y



Likelihood ratio ~30

Conventional AI/ML  attempts to model the physician

AI in IPF Research

  • Co-morbidity patterns
  • No data demands
  • Use whatever data is already on patient file

ICD administrative codes



target codes appear

Past medical history

No target codes appear






target codes appear

Past medical history

No target codes appear





IPF drugs prescribed

Signature of IPF diagnostic sequence

pirfenidone or nintedanib

  • age > 50 years
  • at least two IPF target codes identified at least 1 month apart 
  • chest CT procedure (ICD-9-CM 87.41 and Current Procedural Terminology, 4th Edition, codes 71250, 71260 and 71270) before the first diagnostic claim for IPF
  • no claims for alternative ILD codes occurring on or after the first IPF claim

ICD Codes can be noisy

"cases" are not always true IPF

Truven MarketScan (IBM)
Commerical Claims & Encounters Database

>100M patients visible 

>7B individual claims

>87K unique diagnostic codes

>7% Medicare data present

2,053,277 patients included in study

University of Chicago Medical Center 

68,658 patients

Random sample from Optumlabs Data Warehouse courtsey Mayo Clinic

861,280 patients 

2,983,215 patients

Data: Onishchenko etal. Nat. Medicine 2022

performance tables

Out-of-sample Results

specificity ~99%

NPV >99.9%



Comorbidity Spectra

patient A

patient B

patient C

Beyond "risk factors" to personalized risk patterns

False Positives: 

  • Heathcare Capacity


  • Risk from Imaging Tests

For every 20-30 flags,

1 is positive

  • General likelihood ratio 60-80
  • PPV 3.5-5%
  • Notifying patients 4 years early?
  • No cure, why screen



Better outcomes

  • early anti-fibrotic therapy seems increasingly promising
  • better shot at lung transplant
  • early dx reduces  hospital-izations by a factor of 1-3

Collard, Harold R., Alex J. Ward, Stephan Lanes, D. Cortney Hayflinger, Daniel M. Rosenberg, and Elke Hunsche. "Burden of illness in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis." Journal of medical economics 15, no. 5 (2012): 829-835.

Clinical Trial Cohort Selection

Current screen failure rate ~50-60%

ZCoR boosted screen failure rate ~20%

cohort size: 2000

initial cohort size: 5000

initial cohort size with ZCoR: 2500

Cost per patient for confirmatory tests: ~7k USD

Savings: ~20M USD

Cloud Deployment

Theoretical formulation

Multi-cohort validation

Launch User-Accessible Platform

3 years

2 years

        "patient_id": "P000038",
        "sex": "F",
        "birth_date": "01-01-2006",
        "DX_record": [
            {"date": "07-31-2006", "code": "Z38.00"},
            {"date": "08-07-2006", "code": "P59.9"},
            {"date": "08-29-2016", "code": "J01.90"},
            {"date": "09-10-2016", "code": "J01.90"},
            {"date": "11-14-2016", "code": "J01.91"}
        "RX_record": [
            {"date": "10-29-2011", "code": "rxLDA017"},
            {"date": "05-16-2015", "code": "rxIDG004"},
            {"date": "08-08-2015", "code": "rxIDG004"},
            {"date": "06-04-2016", "code": "rxIDD013"}
        "PROC_record": [
            {"date": "02-05-2007", "code": "90723"},
            {"date": "11-05-2007", "code": "J1100"}
  "predictions": [
      "error_code": "",
      "patient_id": "P000012",
      "predicted_risk": 0.005794344620009157,
      "probability": 0.8253881317184486
  "target": "TARGET"

Data In

Data Out

The Paraknowledge API

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"patient_id": "P28109965201", "sex": "M", "age": 89, "fips": "35644", "DX_record": [{"date": "12-16-2011", "code": "R09.02"}, {"date": "12-30-2011", "code": "H04.129"}, {"date": "12-30-2011", "code": "H02.109"}], "RX_record": [], "PROC_record": [{"date": "09-28-2012", "code": "71100"}]}]' "https://us-central1-pkcsaas-01.cloudfunctions.net/zcor_predict?target=IPF&api_key=7eea9f70d79c408f2b69847d911303c"

Current Targets


Cohort Selection and Risk Analysis Testbed

Misleading Diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Clinical Concern
Javier Ramos-Rossy, MD, Onix Cantres-Fonseca, MD, Ginger Arzon-Nieves, Yomayra Otero-Dominguez, MD, Stella Baez-Corujo, MD, and William Rodríguez-Cintrón, MD


Upto 4 year "signal" resolution

decreases risk

increases risk

Patient Journey: Tracking Risk over time

Off-the-shelf AI does not suffice

Modeling Longitudinal  Patterns

Specialized HMM models from code sequences

Model control and case cohorts seprately

given a new test case, compute likelihood of sample arising from case models vs control models

sequence likelihood defect

Huang, Yi, Victor Rotaru, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. "Sequence likelihood divergence for fast time series comparison." Knowledge and Information Systems 65, no. 7 (2023): 3079-3098.

ZeD Lab: Predictive Screening from Comorbidity Footprints

Nature Medicine


CELL Reports

Science Adv.

The ZCoR Approch: Rapidly Re-targettable

ZED performance Competition
Autism >80% AUC at 2 yrs "obvious"
Alzheimer's Disease ~90% AUC  60-70% AUC
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis ~90% AUC NA
MACE ~80% AUC ~70% AUC 
Bipolar Disorder ~85% AUC NA
Cancers (Prostate, Bladder, Uterus, Skin) ~75-80% AUC Low

Predictions at the Point-of-Diagnosis

Can my patient continue taking anti-fibrotics over long term?

Digital Twins for Health trajectories



1M parameters

1M parameters

Predicts disorders across the disease specturm

Pre-empting Effectiveness of Antifibrotics at the point of diagnosis

~78% AUC

26-32 out of 100 discontinued 

4-5 out of 100 discontinued

Prognosis at Point-of-Diagnosis 

  • Optimizing Management

Patient Journey 

  • Continuous Risk Monitoring

Early Diagnosis

  • Universal Screening
  • Cohort Selection

Reduce screen failure rates

Holistic health surveillance

Predict antifibrotics continuation

improve outcomes







1 in 59

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Autism Co-morbid Risk (ACoR) Score

Data: Onishchenko etal. Science Advances 2021

>5 Million in US. >13 Million in next 10 years

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dimentia

MOCA, Blood Tests

Current Practice:

state of art with EHR:

~67% AUC*


ZCoR:  ~87%

Application to Suicide Attempts and Ideation (SISA)  , PTSD*

perhaps surprising connection between mood disorders and physiological comorbidities

Gibbons RD, Kupfer D, Frank E, Moore T, Beiser DG, Boudreaux ED. Development of a Computerized Adaptive Test Suicide Scale-The CAT-SS. J Clin Psychiatry. 2017 Nov/Dec;78(9):1376-1382. doi: 10.4088/JCP.16m10922. PMID: 28493655.

* in press

Medicine is poised to enter a transformative era, ushered by the emergence of sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) models.


Enable more holistic approaches to medicine, where predictive patterns can be rapidly recognized and exploited

Research Direction 2

Uncovering A Digital Twin of the Maturing Human Microbiome 

Sizemore, Nicholas, Kaitlyn Oliphant, Ruolin Zheng, Camilia R. Martin, Erika C. Claud, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. "A digital twin of the infant microbiome to predict neurodevelopmental deficits." Science Advances 10, no. 15 (2024): eadj0400.

ishanu chattopadhyay

Nicholas Sizemore

Kaitlyn Oliphant

Erika Claud


Can microbial assay from gut actionably

pre-empt developmental markers?

Assuming  a 1000 species ecosystem, and 1 successful experiment every day to discern a single two-way relationship, we would need 1,368 years to go through all possibilities. If we look for 3 way interactions, we would need 454,844 years

Can we predict the next pandemic?

Can we predict future mutations? Can we define the "edge of emergence"?

Digital Twins for complex systems

Chattopadhyay, Ishanu, Kevin Wu, Jin Li, and Aaron Esser-Kahn. "Emergenet: Fast Scalable Pandemic Risk Assessment of Influenza A Strains Circulating In Non-human Hosts." (2023). Under Review in Nature


\Phi_i:\prod_{j \neq i} \Sigma_j \rightarrow \mathcal{D}(\Sigma_i)


recursive forest

\rho_t(x) \triangleq -\log \min_{y \in H^t} \sqrt{\theta_{\text{HA}}^{[t]}(x,y) \cdot \theta_{\text{NA}}^{[t]}(x,y)}

A Math Solution to a Hard Biological Problem

we can tell if new strain will adapt to humans

Influenza Risk Assessment Tool (IRAT) scoring for animal strains

slow (months), quasi-subjective, expensive


24 scores in 14 years

~10,000 strains collected annually


Emergenet time: 1 second

Stamping Out the Next Pandemic **Before** The First Human Infection


Apply the same "tech" to the microbiome modeling problem

Ability to "fill in" missing data is equivalent to making trajectory forecasts

Our risk measure is highly predictive and actionable

Which entities are most predictive?

No transplantation is guaranteed to work reliably

Predicted to reduce

risk reliably

Predicted to reduce

risk reliably


Answer the question: "what is a healthy microbiome?"


Explicit supplantation profiles that are tuned to individual ecosystems


Bioreactor experiments

Research Summary

Transform bio-surveillance

Transform modeling of complex systems

Transform early diagnosis

Democratize AI unleashing its power for social good

"Empowering Minds, Transforming Futures: AI Innovation with Purpose."

Enabling technology to reduce human suffering

Enabling the Vulnerable

To Have a Voice

Early Life Interventions to maximize human potential

Health Equity

"Fusing Innovation with Compassion:

Advancing AI Research for the Greater Good."


ishanu chattopadhyay

Digital Twin of the Human Microbiome 

University of Chicago Medicine

Nicholas Sizemore

Kaitlyn Oliphant

Erika Claud

pip install qbiome

import qbiome
from qbiome.data_formatter import DataFormatter
from qbiome.quantizer import Quantizer
from qbiome.qnet_orchestrator import QnetOrchestrator
from qbiome.forecaster import Forecaster

This is a general method!

\Phi_i:\prod_{j \neq i} \Sigma_j \rightarrow \mathcal{D}(\Sigma_i)


recursive forest


a biologically informed, adaptive distance between strains

\theta(x,y) \triangleq \\ \mathbf{E}_i \left ( \mathbb{J}^{\frac{1}{2}} \left (\Phi_i^P(x_{-i}) , \Phi_i^Q(y_{-i})\right ) \right )

This distance is "special"

smaller distances imply a quatitatively high probability of spontaneous jump

$$J \textrm{ is the Jensen-Shannon divergence }$$

Sanov's Theorem & Pinsker's Inequality


\left \vert \ln \frac{Pr(x \rightarrow y ) }{Pr( y \rightarrow y)} \right \vert \leqq \beta \theta(x,y)
\left \vert \ln \frac{Pr(x_a \rightarrow x_h ) }{Pr( x_h \rightarrow x_h)} \right \vert \approx 0 \\ \Rightarrow Pr(x_a \rightarrow x_h ) \approx Pr(x_h \rightarrow x_h ) \\ \color{green}\Rightarrow Pr(x_a \rightarrow x_h ) \approx 1

stable profile \(x_{h}\), "well-adapted" \(\Rightarrow Pr(x_h\rightarrow x_h) \approx 1 \)

For "new" profile \(x_{a}\),  \( \displaystyle \theta(x_{a},x_{h}) \approx 0 \)


Then, we have:

we can tell if new profile will be stable

A Math Solution to a Hard Biological Problem

Biology-aware Perturbations to "reconstruct" missing data

\Phi_i:\prod_{j \neq i} \Sigma_j \rightarrow \mathcal{D}(\Sigma_i)



Can i meaningfully perturb aundunce values?

Can we fill them in if they are missing?


Risk of Time-stamped Microbial Profile to lead to Developmental Deficit

Risk(x) = \frac{\theta_P(x,0)}{\theta_Q(x,0)}

The Zero Profile


Q-net inferred with typical patients


Q-net inferred with patients with neurodevelopmental deficit

Risk = \frac{\theta_{\textrm{typical}}(\psi,\psi^0)}{\theta_{\textrm{deficit}}(\psi,\psi^0)}

initial microbiome

current microbiome

Actinobacteria 30

Bacilli 30

Bacteroidia 30

Coriobacteria 32

Gammaproteobacteria 32



All patients All Entities

Feeding Variables added

Ability to "fill in" missing data is equivalent to making trajectory forecasts

Our risk measure is highly predictive and actionable

Which entities are most predictive?

Supplantation MUST be personalized

Supplantation MUST be personalized

Network Interpretations?

Effect of Clinical Variables

Influenza Risk Assessment Tool (IRAT) scoring for animal strains

Can we replicate IRAT scores*?

slow (months), quasi-subjective, expensive


genomic analysis

receptor binding



antivirals available

population immunity

human infections



global prevalence

antigenic novelty

disease severity


By Ishanu Chattopadhyay


AI research, teaching, service and mission

  • 130