Decouple your Pattern Library from your Theme.
I am Israel Morales
and I work in Chapter Three
as Front End Developer
the same pattern library can be used by other projects.
the use of twig
The pattern library lives inside your Drupal theme... most of the time:
Pattern lab drupal themes or starter kits:
A list of features:
Client Requirements!
- We need a Pattern library
- we don't care which one is
- We want to implement uswds (for fast prototyping) but we want our own custom PL
- We want to develop the Pattern lab independently of Drupal, so our developers don't require to have knowledge of Drupal
- We need it fast
- Fractal
- not well maintained
- SASS super opinionated
- no use of flexbox or css grid
- not compatible with twig :(
- lacking of components, mostly basic components were available.
- Fractal
- easier than PL
- If used as framework can do stuff fast.
I actually tried to refactor all the tamplates to twig and I failed miserably :(
I even tried to use many of the Drupal theme solutions...
and then just override with my stuff.... but...
In my mind:
- USWDS should be included as library
- meaning that we will be able to use USWDS classes and JS
- SFGOV PL should be clean from other frameworks/pattern libraries
- SFGOV PL should have a class identifier to avoid class collisions or overlaping so all classes would start with `.sfgov`
- USWDS JS should work along side SFGOV.
So I started fresh.
Steps to decouple your pattern library:
1.- Choosing the breed
there are a lot of options for pattern lab out there but in my case non of them matched my expectations
some of them were too opinionated
- some of them were deeply integrated with the Drupal theme.
- So I choose
- Other options:
1.- Edition php twig standar means:
means that this edition is bare, with no additions, just the basic stuff.
- composer to install all the required libraries
- core has some PHP scripts for after composer install
- public is were your compiled PL is going to live
- source is were your components and other stuff is going to be.
1.- how to start with the standard edition.
- comes with a watcher and other commands you can use for example:
composer create-project pattern-lab/edition-twig-standard badcamp-2018
1.- Edition php twig standar also means:
- no SASS or SCSS watcher
- no JS compiler
- only PHP watcher and compiler
2.- Add Watchers so, we can compile:
- For this specific project I used Gulp
- But you can use webpack, or whatever tool you can use to compile JS and CSS.
2.1 - For this project I used Gulp
- because I was familiar with it.
- But you can use webpack, or whatever tool you can use to compile JS and CSS.
2.2- Watchers for everything:
// Watchers for everything:
gulp.task('watch', function () {, ['legacy:js']);, ['pl:css']);, ['generate:pl']);, ['generate:pl']);
// pl:php
gulp.task('pl:php', shell.task('php pattern-lab/core/console --generate'));
Example of PHP watcher:
2.3- Watcher for SCSS and JS output two single files.
// CSS
// JS
3 .- Generate a single CSS and a single JS
so we can use our pattern library as a framework like bootstrap or zurb foundation etc...
3.1 - creating a dist folder with the single CSS and single JS
I committed those files directly to the repo.
But... if you can avoid committing the compiled code and manage the releases with Tag or branches, please do it...
3- Edit Pattern Lab head file.
Editing Pattern Lab head file will include the previously mentioned files, so we can preview our pattern library in the pattern lab PHP server.
// File
3.1- Edit Pattern Lab head file.
// File
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="{{ htmlClass }}">
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/pattern-scaffolding.css?{{ cacheBuster }}" media="all"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/components.css" media="all">
<script src="../../js/dist/pl/components.js"></script>
<!-- Begin Pattern Lab (Required for Pattern Lab to run properly) -->
{{ patternLabHead | raw }}
<!-- End Pattern Lab -->
<body class="{{ bodyClass }}">
4 - creating a Drupal theme
Just create a standard Drupal theme.
5 - Enable the component libraries
The Component Libraries module was especially important because it allowed me to map the Pattern Lab components easily into my theme. Then I had to map my Pattern Lab components with the Drupal theme:
6 - Map your PL to Drupal
Once your Twig templates in your pattern library are working you might want to reference them with the component library and custom Twig namespaces.
6.1 - mapping PL to Drupal
- ../../../libraries/sfgov-pattern-lab/pattern-lab/source/_patterns/00-protons
- ../../../libraries/sfgov-pattern-lab/pattern-lab/source/_patterns/01-atoms
- ../../../libraries/sfgov-pattern-lab/pattern-lab/source/_patterns/02-molecules
- ../../../libraries/sfgov-pattern-lab/pattern-lab/source/_patterns/03-organisms
- ../../../libraries/sfgov-pattern-lab/pattern-lab/source/_patterns/04-templates
- ../../../libraries/sfgov-pattern-lab/pattern-lab/source/_patterns/05-pages
- sfgovpl/sfgov-pattern-lab
I'm using the ../../../ to reference the libraries forlder in the root of my Drupal install
7 - Using the single CSS and JS via libraries
// sfgovpl.libraries.yml
'/libraries/sfgov-pattern-lab/dist/css/components.css': {}
'/libraries/sfgov-pattern-lab/dist/pl/js/components.js': {}
- sfgovpl/sfgov-pattern-lab
- sfgovpl/sfgov-drupal-specific-styles
- sfgovpl/google-fonts
- sfgovpl/resize-disable
- sfgovpl/sfgov-drupal-search
- sfgovpl/fontawesome
8 - Using composer to require our external PL
This plugin allowed me to put the pattern library in a folder different than vendor
Then I added some configuration to the composer.json
I used the following composer plugin:
composer require oomphinc/composer-installers-extender
8.1 - Editing the composer.json
Under extra I specified where composer should install the repository of type github:
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"web/libraries/{$name}": ["type:github"],
8.2 - Editing the composer.json
Then under repositories I set the type:github
"repositories": {
"github": {
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "sf-digital-services/sfgov-pattern-lab",
"version": "master",
"type": "drupal-library",
"source": {
"url": "",
"type": "git",
"reference": "master"
8.3 - Editing the composer.json
and required the package under require: As you can see the name matches the name in the previously declared github repo:
A composer update should clone the github repo and place the Pattern Lab inside relative to the Drupal web folder:
"require": {
"sf-digital-services/sfgov-pattern-lab": "dev-master",
9 - Using the PL templates with Drupal.
// node--topic--search-index.html.twig
<div class="topic-search-result">
<div class="topic-search-result--container">
<div class="content-type">
<i class="sfgov-icon-filefilled"></i>
<span>{{ content_type }}</span>
<a class="title-url" href="{{ url }}"><h4>{{ title }}</h4></a>
<p class="body">{{ body|striptags('<a>')|raw }}</p>
9.1 - Using the PL templates with Drupal.
{# Set variables to use in the component. #}
{% set url = path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': elements['#node'].id() }) %}
{% set description = node.get('field_description').getValue()[0]['value'] %}
{% set type = node.type.entity.label %} {# content type #}
{# Icluding the molecule in our Pattern Lab.#}
{% include "@molecules/08-search-results/03-topic-search-result.twig" with {
"content_type": type,
"url": url,
"title": elements['#node'].get('title').getString(),
"body": description
} %}
Drupal template:
The following example calls the Pattern lab molecule originally located at:
but Instead we use:
10 - Profit
11 - QA
12 - Thank you
Decouple your Pattern Library from your Theme.
By Israel Morales
Decouple your Pattern Library from your Theme.
- 872