what is it?
It's the technique, occupation, or sport of catching fish in seas, river, or oceans
(I will only talk about the occupation of fishing)
what's coastal fishing?
Obviously it's the type of fishing done close to the coastline. the fishing is done in small boats, and using traditional methods. All captures are used for personal consumption or to sell in local markets.
what's inshore?
It's the type of fishing done close to the coastline with small or medium sized boats. Usually these boats are equipped so they can store the captures in freezers.
What's deep - sea fishing?
It's the kind of fishing done very far away from the coastline. It's done with heavy boats equipped with modern devices that make fishing a bit easier. Most of these boats have enough instruments to process entirely the fish captured. They're also prepared to sail during weeks or even months
Where's the fishing done?
By law the fishing done as a business is forbidden from the coasts of a State to 370 km far into the sea.
The best places to fish are the places that are 200 m deep. Here is where rivers pour their nutrients, and where plankton live, so fish can feed.
Are fish farms a solution to over - fishing?
Yes, due to the fact that the 36% of the fish sold worldwide comes from fish farms.
This means that it's a 36% less of fish fished in the sea.
What happens if we don't fish carefully?
We could make many species disappear or even cause damage to seafloors.
This is because some fishers use too big fishing nets or even use explosives to fish.
Which countries have the biggest fishing industries?
Well here's a graphic:
+14 tons of captures
+7 tons of captures
+5 tons of captures
+4 tons of captures
Where is the fishing more important as an economical factor?
In the poorest countries because it's a raw material that moves easily through local markets. And this usually give fluidity to an economy.
Why are big nets a problem?
Because these sometimes are so big that catch every type of animal and the animals that are not useful for the fishers (such as dolphins) are thrown to the sea dead.
Thanks for your attention
By: Ivan L. Bendezu Torres
By ivanbendezutorres
What is fishing about?
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