Declare peace with RN animations
Ivan Vukovic, Mobile lead @ Shoutem
Types of animations in React Native
- LayoutAnimation (Native thread)
- Animated API (JS or native thread)
- Transitions (JS thread)
Automatically animates views to their new positions when the next layout happens.
A common way to use this API is to call it before calling setState.
Animated API
The simplest workflow is to create an Animated.Value, hook it up to one or more style attributes of an animated component, and then drive updates either via animations, such as Animated.timing, or by hooking into gestures like panning or scrolling via Animated.event. Animated.Value can also bind to props other than style, and can be interpolated as well.
How to think when designer gives you animation prototype
- Break it down to basics
- Take a look of slow motion as much as you can
- Think of easing, timing, springs
- Think of what are the keyframes
Solution #1:
Regular RN
Solution #1:
Regular RN
Problem #1: Too much code...
Solution #2:
Library of animated components
Problem #2: How to make them interactive???
<FadeIn> <Text>I'm fading in</Text></FadeIn>
Solution #3:
Problem #3: Too much nesting and for complex animations
const driver = new ScrollDriver(); ... <FadeIn driver={driver}> <Text>I'm fading in</Text></FadeIn>
Solution #4:
connectAnimation HOC
<Image animationName="hero" />
Declare peace with RN animations
By Ivan Vukovic
Declare peace with RN animations
- 596