Argan Oil, an ancient tradition and known as the “Liquid Gold of the desert”.


It is a natural product as a result of the pressing of the nuts extracted from the dried fruits of the argan tree.

It’s rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids that provide antioxidant benefits, so that when applied to the skin it moisturizes and regenerates as a natural aging retardant.


Professional Set All Types of Skin

Professional Set Sensitive Skin

Contains: Epilatory Wax 14 oz, Wax Warmer, Powder for before Epilation 2.1 oz, Moisturizing Cream with Argan 2 fl oz, Wax Equipment Cleaner 2 fl oz, Moisturizing Lotion with  Argan 2 fl oz, Antibacterial Gel 2 fl oz, Face Auxiliary Strips, Body Auxiliary Strips, Body Applicators, Face Applicators, Protective Collars.



Indispensable auxiliary for an epilation procedure. It forms a thin protective layer on the skin that absorbs oil and moisture, allowing the wax to slide easily and adheres to the hair and not the skin.


 Powder for

before Epilation


Its formula with Argan provides softness, without an oily feeling. It removes wax on the skin. Reduces irritation caused by epilating.

Moistrurizing Lotion with Argan


Formula enriched with argan allowing a rapid penetration to the innermost layers of the skin to provide elasticity and moisture for longer periods. Leaves no oily feeling.


Moinstrurizing Cream with Cream


Cleans your hands without using water, disinfects and stops the spread of germs and kills bacteria.

Antibacterial Gel


Aids in the cleaning of tools used during epilation.

Wax Equipement



- Moisture

- Regeneration

- Oxygenation

- Anti-aging

- Softness

Passini Gold (Ing)

By ivnbad

Passini Gold (Ing)

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