Practical JavaScripting

Jack Franklin
Port80, May 2013


  • University of Bath Computer Science Student
  • Software Developer at Kainos
  • Blogger at
  • Talker on
  • Twitterer @Jack_Franklin

Free Stuff

5 Copies of "Beginning jQuery" to get rid of
Tweet #port80jquery and I'll pick them at the end

The Agenda

Web Sites vs Web Apps

Sensible JavaScript Writing

Workflow & Tooling

Don't get caught in the storm

(Easy) Questions and (hopefully some) Answers

Web Sites vs Web Apps

is there a difference?

I don't think there is any difference

and that's a good thing

a lot of people ignore new JS tools, methods or approaches

because those are just for "web apps"

don't be so quick to discredit your code

don't dismiss blog posts

Writing sensible JavaScript

I get to see a lot of JavaScript

and people write some weird stuff

People put a lot of thought into CSS (OOCSS, SMACSS, etc)

But does the same happen with the JavaScript?

Too often it's an after thought

let's quickly add some jQuery to animate that button

"weeks of coding can save hours of planning"

ditching jQuery

has the time come?

jQuery 2 drops IE6, 7, 8

jQuery 1.X supports them

jQuery isn't going anywhere fast

and the file size isn't that big...


don't dismiss tools out of hand

but don't go crazy and use them all, either

The JS ecosystem has evolved

a gazillionbillion* times over

* needs attribution

you're not a real developer if you don't use the command line*

* loljk.

Minifying & Building


you might think your simple site doesn't need templates

but think again

there are a lot of times when you think your solution is too basic to require any additional libraries / tools

but any chance you get to make your life easier is worth taking

not getting caught in the storm

don't worry about using the new tools

if you do this, you'll never get any work done

sure, when something new pops up, give it a quick look

people (like me) will blog about them

find a workflow, set of tools and some of your favourite libraries that work for you

stick with them

revisit every few months

to see if something new has popped up

we're all building web applications

just some are a bit more complex than others

develop accordingly, but don't treat your JS like this black box of magic

and go make awesome


I'm going to give 3 out now randomly via Twitter

Which means I'll have 2 left.

At the after party, come and find me and tell me your best joke.

If I like it, you can have a copy. If I don't, you get to buy me a drink.*

* not really.


Come and find me.

@upfrontpodcast /*

* not really

Practical JavaScripting

By Jack Franklin

Practical JavaScripting

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