Jacob Allen

What I'm excited about
Real Business & Resume Experience
Personal and Professional Growth


What To Expect
Competitive Cutlery
About Cutco
Quick Video
Product Line
Prices & Specials
Presentation Verification Form

Common Complaints
Low Quality Knives:
Average knife set: $150 for set
Replaced every 2 yrs for 40 yrs: 20 replacements = $3,000 on Junk knives
Unsanitary, unsafe, and un-enjoyable!
Common High Quality Knives:
Need to Sharpen regularly
Hand wash—Not dishwasher safe
Replace every 7-10 years

Does this look familiar to you?



1 2 3 4
1. Stainless Table Knife
2. Pearl Table Knife
3. Classic Table Knife
4. Classic Steak Knife

Cutco Individual Pieces

Special #1
Special #2
Special #3
Special #4
Pick 5 knives, and get the Super Shears or 4 Table Knives FREE!
Pick 4 pieces, get the 5th piece and a tray for FREE!
Buy 3 pieces, Get 1 piece FREE!
Pick any 2 knives totaling over $100 and get the ice cream scoop or peeler FREE!

Cutco Flatware!

CUTCO Cookware!
Cooks faster --- Non-stick stainless steel --- American Made
Forever Guaranteed --- Dishwasher Safe

Gadgets, Kitchen Tools, & Accessories!

Garden Tools &
Barbeque Set!
Sporting Knives, Hunting Knives, Golf-Knives, Ka-Bar Knives

I'll give you a link with a form to fill out in just a moment :)

Please click here to ensure that the representative is credited with completing this presentation!
Thank you for your patience!
Thought Joggers: Who Do You Know...
- Who likes to cook?
- Who works in my dream field?
- Who knows everyone / is the unofficial mayor of your friend group?
- Who likes to entertain or host parties?
- Who lives in your neighborhood?
- Who likes to garden, fish, hunt?
- Who has a pool?
- Who are the coolest people you work with
- Who has the nicest kitchen?
- Has a second home?
- Has a wedding or anniversary coming up?
- Who would you have your son/daughter sit down with if THEY were doing this?
Copy of Copy of MovementRep Demo
By Jaden DeMario
Copy of Copy of MovementRep Demo
People would rather the right info than a fancy sales person. Take advantage of the notes.
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