Building Management System
Group No : 25
Prepared By : Jaimin Gohel [135093693009]
Nikhil Borad [125090693008]
Internal Guide : Dr. Jyotika Doshi
External Guide : Mr. Dhaval Patel
It gives us pleasure and satisfaction in presenting this report of Web development Project undertaken during the 6th semester of MCA(GLS ICT). We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to several people, without whose help and encouragement, it would be infeasible for us to carry out the desired work.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to internal guide Prof. Jyotika Doshi, who gave us an opportunity to undertake such a great challenging and innovative work. We are grateful to her for their guidance, encouragement, understanding and insightful support in the development process.
Any building like housing societies, Apartments, Shopping complex, Commercial buildings.
Registering the details of property.
Registration of residents, Parking allocation.
Building Maintenance.
Asset Management.
Inward/Outward register,Visitor information.
Definition cont.
Income:- Maintenance, Asset Rent, Property Sell.
Expense:- Events, recurring expenses like security guard’s salary, lift man’s salary.
•Document Management
Manage the documents.
About pending maintenance , upcoming events,
Discussion forum etc.
Types of Roles
•Super Admin
•Society Admin
•User(Property owner)
Functionality of Property owner
• Manage Individual Details
• Easy connectivity with members/ management
• Complaint & Feedback mechanism
•Auto Reminder/ Notification of Mail & SMS
• Payment history & reports, Manage Tenants
•Set society cover photo
•Can see society staff list, visitor list and Resident directory, Parking structure
•Can do vote and see result
Functionality of Society Admin
• Manage Resident & their details
•Accounting Reports, Buyer & Seller Module
• Send Auto Reminder/ Notification through Mail/SMS
• Asset Management, Posting Notices
•Manage Parking Allocation, society Album
• Manage Poll, Event, Discussion forum
•Manage Staff list and visitor entry
•Manage Inward Outward register for Commercial use
Functionality of Super Admin
•Manage Society admin and end users
•Define access control for every role
•Manage ERP Sales
Existing Modules
- Property owner Registration
- Document Management
- Accounting
- Notification
- Complaint Handling Module
- Committee Module
- Asset Management Module
- Tenant Module
Modules to be developed
- Parking Management
- Residents' Directory
- Inward/ Outward Register (Commercial Buildings)
- Instant Poll
- ERP Sales Module
- Events
- Photo Gallery
- Visitor Information
- Staff Attendance
- Social Media Linking (Facebook , Google)
- Society Background Configuration
- Discussion Forum
- Classifieds
- Asset Management
- Dedicated Apartment Page
Parking Management
- We draw on the substance and depth of decades of experience to assist property owners and building managers in developing comprehensive plans for maximizing their parking potential.
- Project and parking wise Graphical view of parking allocation.
Society structure with Vehicle
Society parking structure
Society parking Search and Print view
Print sticker preview
Parking Master
Parking Transaction
Residents Directory
- Details of the Property owner and its family member also tenant details.
- Directories provide a tool for connecting with your neighbors, sharing information, making contact in an emergency, and helping with daily needs.
Residents Directory view
Property Owner Master
Property Submember Master
Inward/ Outward Register
- Maintain the records of in coming and out going documents, letters and parcel for Commercial buildings.
- Maintains move in/ move out for the heavy stuff in the Resident buildings.
- Inward and Outward memo report.
Inward outward Insert Page
Inward View
Outward View
Mimo master
Instant Poll
- Generating polls to take decision or resolve issues in Resident and Commercial buildings.
- Instant poll offers you a real-time responsive element on stage.
Poll Create
Poll View
Poll Table
Option Table
Vote Table
Photo Gallery
- Society admin create new Album,upload images Album wise
- Society admin can change album cover photo
- Society admin can add description to images
Gallery view
Album view of gallery
Add album | Upload images to album
Add description to Image
Gallery_album Table
Gallery_photo Table
Society Cover Photo Configuration
- Society admin can upload Society cover image
Dashboard View(with cover photo)
Event Management
- Creation and development of large scale events like festivals, ceremonies, meetings, conferences and other special events.
- Calendar view of upcoming events.
Calender view of events
Add event view
Calender view of events
Event Table
Event Details Table
Visitor Information
Register and maintain visitor history.
Catered to meet individual, Group and corporate visitors for Corporate Offices, Hospitals, Schools, Residential Complex’s etc.
Visitor insert view
Visitor insert view (cont.)
Visitor view
Staff Maintanance
Register staff person and maintain history.
Generate identity cards of staff members.
Staff Insert View
Staff view
Building Management System
By Jaimin Gohel
Building Management System
- 957