Jalex Chang
Clean Architecture in Go
The Crescendo Way
Jalex Chang
- Saff Software Engineer @ Crescendo Lab
- Gopher
- Love software engineering, database systems, and distributed systems
Architecture overview
Architectural designs
Component designs
[1] Crescendo's go-clean-arch, https://github.com/chatbotgang/go-clean-arch
[2] Go clean architecture project - wild-workouts, https://github.com/ThreeDotsLabs/wild-workouts-go-ddd-example
[3] Uncle Bob's clean architecture, https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html
In this tech talk, we want to introduce a simple but maintainable Go clean architecture, commonly used in Crescendo Lab.
Topics will be covered in the talk:
Engineering challenges in Crescendo Lab
Design goals of a new architecture
Designs and decisions we have made
Pros and cons of the proposed architecture
The proposed architecture and its designs are open to the public.
- Template on Github (chatbotgang/go-clean-arch).
Engineering challenges in Crescendo Lab
Crescendo Lab is a regional Martech start-up:
- Provide B2B enterprise solutions for marketing, sales, and customer service needs.
- Most clients are amateur players.
- High-growth in businesses
Challenges in eng teams:
- Complex business logic
- Good adaptability for rapid market changes
- Good observability for responding to client's questions
- More and more members are onboarding.
- Tech stack is changing, from Python to Golang.
Design goals
Low communication overhead
- No barrier between business and engineering people.
- Business logic is well protected and validated.
- Features and logic could be added and modified easily to fit market changes.
- Errors are easy to handle and address.
- Internal behaviors of requests could be traceable.
Simple and straight
- Any new member could pick up the architecture within days.
- Everyone could have the same programming style without effort.
What concepts can be leveraged?
Low communication overhead
- No barrier between business and engineering people.
- Business logic is well protected and validated.
- Features and logic could be added and modified easily to fit market changes.
- Errors are easy to handle and address.
- Internal behaviors of requests could be traceable.
Simple and straight
- Any new member could pick up the architecture within days.
- Everyone could have the same programming style without effort.
Domain-Driven Design
(Ubiquitous language)
Clean Architecture
Go Practices
Try and Error Loop......
Architecture Overview
Layered architecture
4 layers, making things simple but organized:
Router handles input requests.
- Framework-dependent
- E.g. routing HTTP requests, authentication, access control, and parameter validation.
Adapter handles output requests
- External-system-dependent
- E.g. accessing DB, publishing events, and interacting with other services.
Domain handles business logic.
- Introduce Ubiquitous Language.
Application handles orchestration.
- Focus on control flows
- Coordinate Domain and Adapter
Architecture overview
Dependency rules
Codebase structure
├── adapter
│ ├── eventbroker
│ ├── repository
│ │ └── postgres
│ │ ├── good_repository.go
│ │ ├── good_repository_test.go
│ │ ├── postgres_repository.go
│ │ └── postgres_repository_test.go
│ └── server
├── app
│ └── service
│ ├── auth
│ └── barter
│ ├── exchange_service.go
│ ├── exchange_service_test.go
│ ├── good_service.go
│ ├── good_service_test.go
│ ├── interface.go
│ ├── service.go
│ └── service_test.go
├── domain
│ ├── barter
│ │ ├── exchange.go
│ │ ├── exchange_test.go
│ │ ├── good.go
│ │ ├── good_test.go
│ │ ├── trader.go
│ │ └── trader_test.go
│ └── common
│ ├── error.go
│ └── error_test.go
└── router
├── handler.go
├── handler_auth_trader.go
├── handler_barter_exchange.go
├── handler_barter_good.go
├── middleware.go
├── middleware_auth.go
├── middleware_logger.go
└── response.go
Architectural Designs
Domain layer
Design principles
- Name things by business language
- No Getter/Setter pattern
- Testable via unit tests
There is nothing wrong with only having data structures in domain.
We aggregate business logic through refactorization.
Applicaiton layer
Design principles
- Coarse-grained Service
- Groups of use cases
- No dependency on each other
- Interact Adapter through Interface
- Testable via unit tests
Router layer
Design principles
- An API maps to a handler.
- A handler can call multiple use cases.
API testing only.
- Postman-driven development
Adapter layer
Design principles
- A dependent system maps to an adapter.
- No transaction leaks.
- Integration tests only
Form DB integration tests as unit tests
Testing landscape
Data modeling
API model ≠ Domain model ≠ DB model
type CustomerTag struct {
ID int
CustomerID int
Type TagType
Name string
CreatedAt time.Time
type repoCsutomerTag struct {
ID int `db:"id"`
CustomerID int `db:"customer_id"`
TagID int `db:"tag_id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"`
type repoChannelTag struct {
ID int `db:"id"`
ChannelID int `db:"channel_id"`
Name string `db:"name"`
Type string `db:"type"`
func ListCustomerTags(app *app.Application) gin.HandlerFunc {
type Tag struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
CreatedAt int `json:"created_at"`
type Response struct {
CustomerID int `json:"customer_id"`
MarketingTags []Tag `json:"marketing_tags"`
ServiceTags []Tag `json:"service_tags"`
SalseTags []Tag `json:"salse_tags"`
Data modeling
Component Designs
Good designs are invisible.
Giant application - Glue things together
// internal/app/application.go
func NewApplication(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, params ApplicationParams) (*Application, error) {
// 1. Init adapters
pgRepo := postgres.NewPostgresRepository(ctx, db)
authServer := server.NewAuthServer(ctx, server.AuthServerParam{})
// 2. Create the applicaiton and init services
app := &Application{
AuthService: auth.NewAuthService(ctx, auth.AuthServiceParam{
AuthServer: authServer,
TraderRepo: pgRepo,
BarterService: barter.NewBarterService(ctx, barter.BarterServiceParam{
GoodRepo: pgRepo,
return app, nil
- Manage all services in a single application instance
- Help inject adapters to services
- Every Router handler leverages the application directly
Giant application - Leveraged by handlers directly
func registerAPIHandlers(router *gin.Engine, app *app.Application) {
barterGroup := v1.Group("/barter", BearerToken.Required())
barterGroup.POST("/goods", PostGood(app))
barterGroup.GET("/goods", ListMyGoods(app))
barterGroup.DELETE("/goods/:good_id", RemoveMyGood(app))
func PostGood(app *app.Application) gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
good, err := app.BarterService.PostGood(ctx, barter.PostGoodParam{...})
if err != nil {...}
Inject application to handlers:
Handlers call services methods through the application:
func (s *BarterService) PostGood(ctx context.Context, param PostGoodParam) (*barter.Good, common.Error) {
good, err := s.goodRepo.CreateGood(ctx, barter.NewGood(param.Trader, param.GoodName))
if err != nil {...}
Services call adapter methods through interface:
Error Handling
// internal/domain/common/error.go
type Error interface {
Error() string
ClientMsg() string
func NewError(code ErrorCode, err error, opts ...ErrorOption) Error {
e := DomainError{code: code, err: err}
// Handle error options
for _, o := range opts {
return e
type DomainError struct {
code ErrorCode
err error
clientMsg string
remoteStatus int
detail map[string]interface{}
type ErrorCode struct {
Name string
StatusCode int
// Authentication and Authorization error codes
var ErrorCodeAuthPermissionDenied = ErrorCode{
StatusCode: http.StatusForbidden,
// Business-related errors
var ErrorCodeParameterEmailNotExist = ErrorCode{
StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
var ErrorCodeParameterInvalidPassword = ErrorCode{
StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
var ErrorCodePaymentExpiredPlan = ErrorCode{
StatusCode: http.StatusPaymentRequired,
Custom Error Domain
- Errors are self-described.
- Specific Error Code for business needs
- Options Pattern for extensions
Pre-defined ErrorCode:
Error Handling - Leverage Error Domain everywhere
func ParseTraderFromToken(signedToken string, signingKey []byte) (*Trader, common.Error) {
if !token.Valid {
msg := "invalid token"
return nil, common.NewError(common.ErrorCodeParameterInvalid, errors.New(msg), common.WithMsg(msg))
func (s *BarterService) ExchangeGoods(ctx context.Context, param ExchangeGoodsParam) common.Error {
if !requestGood.IsMyGood(param.Trader){
return common.NewError(common.ErrorCodeAuthPermissionDenied, nil)
func (r *PostgresRepository) GetTraderByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*barter.Trader, common.Error) {
if err = r.db.GetContext(ctx, &row, query, args...); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, common.NewError(common.ErrorCodeResourceNotFound, err)
return nil, common.NewError(common.ErrorCodeRemoteProcess, err)
Error Handling - Describe itself before API responding
// internal/router/response.go
func respondWithError(c *gin.Context, err error) {
// 1. parse error mesages
errMessage := parseError(err)
// 2. log out error messages
ctx := c.Request.Context()
zerolog.Ctx(ctx).Error().Err(err).Str("component", "handler").Msg(errMessage.Message)
// 3. respond error messages
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(errMessage.Code, errMessage)
func parseError(err error) ErrorMessage {
var domainError common.DomainError
_ = errors.As(err, &domainError)
return ErrorMessage{
Name: domainError.Name(),
Code: domainError.HTTPStatus(),
Message: domainError.ClientMsg(),
RemoteCode: domainError.RemoteHTTPStatus(),
Detail: domainError.Detail(),
Traceable logging - Pass request ID through context
// internal/router/middleware_logger.go
func SetGeneralMiddlewares(ctx context.Context, ginRouter *gin.Engine) {
func LoggerMiddleware(rootCtx context.Context) gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
// 1. add RequestID into the logger of the request context
requestID := requestid.Get(c)
zlog := zerolog.Ctx(rootCtx).With().
Str("requestID", requestID).
c.Request = c.Request.WithContext(zlog.WithContext(rootCtx))
// 2. call next handlers
Traceable logging - Wrap context when logging
// logger wraps the execution context with component info
func (s *ChatService) logger(ctx context.Context) *zerolog.Logger {
l := zerolog.Ctx(ctx).With().Str("component", "chat-service").Logger()
return &l
func (s *ChatService) SendMessageToCutomer(ctx context.Context, param Param) common.Error {
if err := s.lineServer.SendMessages(ctx, messages); err != nil {
s.logger(ctx).Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to send messages to Line")
return err
Traceable logging - Trace request behavior internally
Q1: What are the pros and cons of the proposed architecture?
- Simple and straight. Easy to pick up.
- Organized. Only one programming style everywhere.
- Flexible. Easy to modify orchestration/business logic when requirements changed
- The codebase is long-winded.
- Too comfortable. Coding feels not challenging sometimes.
Q2: What use cases are the proposed architecture?
- Implement and maintain complex business logic
- Teams and businesses are high-growth and changeable.
Q3: How to introduce new tech/architecture to teams?
- (X) Be a boss or manager
- (O) Make hands dirty
- Let the new things seem practical and easy to follow
Future works
- More code-gen on codebases to reduce boring coding tasks
- E.g. auto-gen API handlers and data repositories.
- More automation in software testing
- Continue to collect teams' comments and evolve the architecture, with the business growth.
- Continue to share more internal architectural/component designs in public
- E.g. access control, event-driven patterns, etc.
In this sharing, we have introduced a Go Clean Architecture that is internally used in Crescendo Lab.
To make the codebase simple and straight, the architecture has only four layers: domain, application, router, and adapter layers.
To make developers happy and easily handle their jobs, the details matter.
E.g. error domain and traceable logging.
The proposed architecture and its designs are open to the public (chatbotgang/go-clean-arch).
Good architecture comes from observations and comminucations.
Thanks for listening
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Clean Architecture in Go: The Crescendo Way
By Jalex Chang
Clean Architecture in Go: The Crescendo Way
Share our experience in improving engineering teams’ productivity and happiness in Crescendo by introducing DDD (Domain-Driven Design) and Clean Architecture to Go projects.
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