User Stories 

I own a small business and I've signed up for EE Business Apps. I'd now like to back up my computer to Mozy Pro because I purchased a bundle which includes it.


  • What is a user story?
  • How to write a good user story
  • Guidelines for good stories
  • When is a story done?

What is a user story?

  • Conveys the value to the user
  • All about the users goals
  • Comes from XP
  • The workhorse in agile development



User Story

Writing User Stories

Story Template

  • Role: User
  • Activity: What do they want?
  • Business Value: Why do they want it? Describe the value, provide context

As a <role>, I want <activity>, so that <business value>


In order to <achieve some value>, as a <type of user>, I want <some functionality>


"As a conference attendee, I want to be able to register on-line, so that I can register quickly and cut down on paperwork

Guidelines for Good Stories

(INVEST in them)







When is a Story Done?

When is a story done?

It’s done when acceptance tests pass

  • Acceptance criteria 
  • Conditions of satisfaction being placed on the system
  • The team writes these in collaboration with the Product Owner (PO)
  • Represents what needs to pass for the PO to accept the story

Assess the story...

"As a conference attendee, I want to be able to register on-line, so I can register quickly and cut down on paperwork"

  1. A user cannot submit a form without completing all the mandatory fields
  2. Information from the form is stored in the registrations database
  3. Protection against spam is working
  4. Payment can be made via credit card
  5. An acknowledgment email is sent to the user after submitting the form


  • User Stories describe a slice of functionality
  • They don't describe 'how' to do something
  • Contain three sections
    • As a...
    • I want...
    • Because...
  • Should meet 'INVEST'
  • Acceptance criteria ensure satisfaction

Questions ?

User Stories Presentation

By jamesbcsg

User Stories Presentation

  • 372