User Stories
I own a small business and I've signed up for EE Business Apps. I'd now like to back up my computer to Mozy Pro because I purchased a bundle which includes it.
- What is a user story?
- How to write a good user story
- Guidelines for good stories
- When is a story done?
What is a user story?
- Conveys the value to the user
- All about the users goals
- Comes from XP
- The workhorse in agile development
User Story
Writing User Stories
Story Template
- Role: User
- Activity: What do they want?
- Business Value: Why do they want it? Describe the value, provide context
As a <role>, I want <activity>, so that <business value>
In order to <achieve some value>, as a <type of user>, I want <some functionality>
"As a conference attendee, I want to be able to register on-line, so that I can register quickly and cut down on paperwork"
Guidelines for Good Stories
(INVEST in them)
When is a Story Done?
When is a story done?
It’s done when acceptance tests pass
- Acceptance criteria
- Conditions of satisfaction being placed on the system
- The team writes these in collaboration with the Product Owner (PO)
- Represents what needs to pass for the PO to accept the story
Assess the story...
"As a conference attendee, I want to be able to register on-line, so I can register quickly and cut down on paperwork"
- A user cannot submit a form without completing all the mandatory fields
- Information from the form is stored in the registrations database
- Protection against spam is working
- Payment can be made via credit card
- An acknowledgment email is sent to the user after submitting the form
- User Stories describe a slice of functionality
- They don't describe 'how' to do something
- Contain three sections
- As a...
- I want...
- Because...
- Should meet 'INVEST'
- Acceptance criteria ensure satisfaction
Questions ?
User Stories Presentation
By jamesbcsg
User Stories Presentation
- 417