
  • Lint jobs and pipeline speed
  • Drupal images from the community
  • House images review
  • Docker compose vs build and push
  • Container Unit Testing
  • Drupal QA

Lint jobs & Pipeline Speed

  • Commit early, commit often
  • Builds and tests are slow
  • Lint jobs should be fast
  • Lint jobs should not need to wait for a build
  • Some jobs should run on every commit
  • Some jobs should run on merge requests
  • Create an MR when you’re ready for review
  • MR jobs are when to build and test
  • the merge of the MR does not run lints

Drupal images from the community





Drupal images from the community

  • Duplicate code
  • Builds and releases on commit and push to any branch
  • Build job does check redundancy
  • No Tests, No release

Container Unit Testing

  • Demo time

Drupal QA

  • Uses Matrix
  • Builds on commit and push to any branch
  • Build job just builds
  • Test job checks container structure
  • Release job only fires on commit-push or merge to main
    • Tags the branch build
    • Pushes each
  • Clean up job removes the branch build


By James Candan


  • 243