TEI Infrastructure for Creation, Collaboration, and Publication

Dr James Cummings


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Creating TEI

  • How do people create TEI Files?
    • hand encoding
      • as individuals, through a variety of editors, etc.
    • through an interface
      • whether forms, tags-off views in editors, etc.
    • up-conversion
      • of materials created in other formats, such as docx, xlsx, etc.


  • Often people will create editions through other forms such as MS Word (docx)
  • Using the docxtotei conversion that TEI-C freely provides this can be transformed to TEI
  • Limited to presentational markup (based on Word formatting styles)
  • If you use special word phase-level styles in the form of tei_elementName it tries to convert these to that element (e.g. tei_name to <name>) 
  • Second phase of conversion work can often provide more detailed markup depending on how granular the original format preserves distinctions

In the end the best method to use is that which enables you to create your digital texts

Collaboration in TEI Projects

  • Use of existing versioning tools like github enables disparate partners to collaborate
  • When hand encoding, projects often recommended to work in phases, multiple passes with more chances to proof throughout the team
  • Good practice to document your local encoding guidelines
  • Good practice to constrain the TEI to just the markup you need: modules / elements / attributes / closed attribute value lists

Possibilities of the

TEI Framework

Project A

Project B

New Elements

  • The ability to interchange many documents improves significantly with a common interchange format
  • Customisation can document the differences in a machine processable format so tools can compare different corpora

- @louburnard

Publishing TEI

  • There are many tools available e.g.:
    • Edition Visualization Technology
    • TEI Boilerplate
    • TEI Critical Edition Toolbox
    • TEI-C Stylesheets
    • OxGarage
    • CETEIcean
    • eXist-db 
    • TAPAS project
  • The tools you use may affect the features you can display to those reading your research and you may have more or less ability to customise

Edition Visualization Technology

  • Easy publication for multi-witness critical editions
  • Critical Edition support: rich and expandable critical apparatus, variant heat map, witnesses collation and variant filtering
  • Bookmark: direct reference to the current view of the web application, page and edition level, collated witnesses and selected apparatus entry
  • High level of customization: the editor can customize both the user interface layout and the appearance of the graphical components
  • https://visualizationtechnology.wordpress.com/

TEI Boilerplate

  • TEI Boilerplate gives in-browser conversion of TEI P5 XML using a simple XSL Stylesheet processing instruction
  • It transforms elements to HTML necessary for display of images, making links clickable, etc
  • Works in all major browsers
  • Works well for small, simple, individual web pages
  • Uses standard customisable CSS but also pays attention to CSS in TEI <rendition> elements
  • Viewing the web page source gives access to your TEI
  • http://teiboilerplate.org/

TEI Critical Apparatus Toolbox

  • Based on TEI Boilerplate
  • The toolbox lets you:
    • Check your encoding: offers facilities to display your edition while it is still in the making, and check the consistency of your encoding
    • Display parallel versions: choose the sigla of the witnesses, and the different versions of the text, following each chosen witness, will be displayed in parallel columns.
  • http://ciham-digital.huma-num.fr/teitoolbox/

TEI-C Stylesheets

  • Freely available, generalised XSLT stylesheets
  • Transformations to and/or from around 40 formats such as:
    • BibTeX, COCOA, CSV, DocBook, DocX (MS Word), DTD, EPub, XSL-FO, HTML, JSON, LaTeX, Markdown, NLM, ODT, PDF, RDF, RelaxNG, RNC, Schematron, Slides, TEI Lite, TEI ODD, TEI P4, TEI simplePrint, TCP, Text, Wordpress, XLSX (MS Excel), XSD
  • Customisable through importing and overwriting templates; Stylesheets repository allows for local 'profiles'
  • TEI-C offers services such as OxGarage which enable pipelined conversion to/from many more formats
  • https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets


  •  CETEIcean is a Javascript (ES6) library that enables TEI P5 XML to be displayed in a web browser without transforming them to HTML
  • Instead it registers them with the browser as Custom Elements
  • Because the elements are treated as HTML, the HTML it produces is valid, and there are not element name collisions (like HTML <p> vs. TEI <p>)
  • http://github.com/TEIC/CETEIcean

Your Edition or Web Page Template

Embedded divisions of custom HTML elements


eXist-db TEI Publisher

  • The "instant publishing toolbox" based on eXist-db XML database 
  • Provides easy browsing and search of TEI XML documents initially built for TEI simplePrint
  • Default display is clean and sophisticated  page-by-page display
  • Control of element display is by editing the processing model documentation embedded in the TEI ODD (the TEI customisation format)
  • http://showcases.exist-db.org

TAPAS Project

  • The TAPAS project: TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service hosted by Northeastern University Library's Digital Scholarship Group
  • A free account can contribute to projects and collections in TAPAS to archive, publish, discover or share their TEI files
  • Built in XSLT transformations
  • TEI Members (or paid TAPAS membership) can create collections and projects
  • 1GB of XML file storage for TEI files, TEI ODD Customisations
  • http://tapasproject.org/


  • If you use TEI you are part of the community and so can change it (locally or for the whole TEI)
  • There are many routes to create TEI files and the correct route is the one which enables you to get your texts encoded in a way that will answer your research questions
  • Collaboration with disparate partners is part of the future of the Humanities, and constraining/controlling the TEI creation aids that collaboration
  • There are many ways to publish your TEI files, the correct way is the one which enables you to express your research and share it with others

TEI Infrastructure for Creation, Collaboration, and Publication

By James Cummings

TEI Infrastructure for Creation, Collaboration, and Publication

A talk for the Methodologies in Digital Humanities (Text Encoding Initiative Public Day) 2017-02-08 http://www.ff.cuni.cz/methodologies-in-dh/

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