Functional UI programming

What is an App?

State => UI

A program is just a finite state machine.

Separation of concern

  • Modular component allows local reasoning about state changes
  • Layers separate the levels of abstraction
  • Horizontal and vertical scaling

A component focuses on a single feature

  • Template editing
  • Auditing
  • Exports

A layer is responsible for abstraction and interface

  • Activity (navigation, workflow)
  • Fragment (drop-in view component)
  • Adapter (connect data and views)
  • View (generic view rendering)
  • Data model
  • Persistence (database, file, network)

Data Binding

  • Bind views to view states
  • Motivation: reduce boilerplate code
  • Generic interface

Mutable value

public interface Mutable<T> {
    T getValue();
    void setValue(T value);


Why bother to wrap to value?

  • Better Control of getter and setter
  • Can add data validation in getter
  • Can add hooks in setter
public static void bindCheckBox(CheckBox checkBox, final Mutable<Boolean> value)
		checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener()
			public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked)
	 * Bind the radio buttons to a set of values
	 * @param radioGroup
	 * @param model
	 * @param map a bidirectional map from values to radio button ids, and it must be 1:1 relationship.
	public static <T> void bindRadioGroup(final RadioGroup radioGroup, final Mutable<T> model, final BiMap<T, Integer> map)
		T value = model.getValue();
		int id = map.get(value);
		radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener()
			public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId)
				T newValue = map.inverse().get(checkedId);


The view model acts as an intermediary between the view and the model, and is responsible for handling the view logic. 

Data Binding

  • Bind UI widgets to states in ViewModel
  • Bind user interactions to actions (operations) in view models
  • View Model is like a mock of the view, enabling easy testing
  • View model is synchronised to model

MVVM in Android




View Model



App States


By James Deng