QE intro
I need a DFT, very first steps
- find the best code for the problem
- download & install
- benchmark
- setup run and run calculation
- postprocess results
the poor man's plane-vawe code
1. find the best code for the problem
the chemists' choice
go for Siesta instead...
"etalon code"
+ orthonormal
+ independent of atomic positions
+ no BSSE
± naturally periodic
– many functions needed
– localised functions difficult to represent
Why plane-wave?
It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials.
Platforms: (really! also cell phones and playstations)
2. download & install
- Ubuntu users:
sudo apt install quantum-espresso
(mpirun version!) Not the latest version - Quantum Mobile (virtualbox image) No pwgui
- kooplex-edu Slow, only for educational use
- src package from Have you ever compiled a linux kernel?
and compile it!
3. benchmark
we skip this for now, but it is important
parallelization of the code vs parallelization against some of the parameters
FFT is important, gnu-compiler vs intel + MKL
Parallelization of QE
Parallelization on k-points:
- guarantees (almost) linear scaling if the number of k-points is a multiple of the number of pools;
- requires little communications (suitable for ethernet communications);
- reduces the required memory per processor by distributing wavefunctions (but not other quantities like the charge density), unless you set disk_io='high'.
Parallelization on PWs:
- yields good to very good scaling, especially if the number of processors in a pool is a divisor of N3 and Nr3 (the dimensions along the z-axis of the FFT grids, nr3 and nr3s, which coincide for NCPPs);
- requires heavy communications (suitable for Gigabit ethernet up to 4, 8 CPUs at most, specialized communication hardware needed for 8 or more processors );
- yields almost linear reduction of memory per processor with the number of processors in the pool.
2db XeonE5645@2.40GHz
Cores | Time (s) |
1 |
238 |
2 |
139 |
3 | 94 |
4 | 72 |
6 | 56 |
8 | 50 |
12 | 38 |
Cores | Time (s) |
1 | 208 |
2 | 147 |
3 | 108 |
4 | 87 |
6 | 52 |
8 | 48 |
12 | 40 |
16 | 41 |
4. setup run ...
- examples and tests
for every package, e.g. qe_dir/PW/examples
- graphical interfaces: pwgui, avogadro, etc
- text editor & scripting
main control block
! this is a comment: you can comment out variables
! set pseudo_dir and outdir to suitable directories
pseudo_dir = '../pseudo/',
System block
ibrav= 2, celldm(1) =10.2, nat= 2, ntyp= 1,
ecutwfc = 18.0,
MIND the commas and slashes!
Add newline after last block!!!
Atoms & kpoints
Si 28.086 Si.pz-vbc.UPF
Si 0.00 0.00 0.00
Si 0.25 0.25 0.25
#K_POINTS tpiba
# this is also a comment: next line, number of k-points
# 2
# 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.0
# 0.25 0.25 0.75 3.0
K_POINTS automatic
2 2 2 1 1 1
Atoms & kpoints
Si 28.086 Si.pz-vbc.UPF
Si 0.00 0.00 0.00
Si 0.25 0.25 0.25
#K_POINTS tpiba
# this is also a comment: next line, number of k-points
# 2
# 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.0
# 0.25 0.25 0.75 3.0
K_POINTS automatic
2 2 2 1 1 1
Atoms & kpoints
Si 28.086 Si.pz-vbc.UPF
Si 0.00 0.00 0.00
Si 0.25 0.25 0.25
#K_POINTS tpiba
# 2
# 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.0
# 0.25 0.25 0.75 3.0
K_POINTS automatic
2 2 2 1 1 1
4. ... run calculation
run erhm what?
ls pwscfdir/bin: alpha2f.x dos.x fd_ifc.x generate_rVV10_kernel_table.x iotk_print_kinds.x molecularpdos.x plan_avg.x projwfc.x pwi2xsf.x sumpdos.x
average.x dynmat.x fd.x generate_vdW_kernel_table.x iotk.x neb.x plotband.x pw2bgw.x pw.x wannier_ham.x
bands.x epa.x fermi_proj.x ibrav2cell.x kpoints.x open_grid.x plotproj.x pw2gw.x q2qstar.x wannier_plot.x
bgw2pw.x epsilon.x fermi_velocity.x importexport_binary.x lambda.x path_interpolation.x plotrho.x pw2wannier90.x q2r.x wfck2r.x
cell2ibrav.x ev.x fqha.x initial_state.x manypw.x phcg.x pmw.x pwcond.x q2trans_fd.x
dist.x fd_ef.x fs.x iotk matdyn.x ph.x pp.x pw_export.x q2trans.x
PWSCF executables
- pw.x : Plane-Wave Self-Consistent Field
- ph.x : phonons with Density-Functional Perturbation Theory
- cp.x : Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics
- neb.x : energy barriers and reaction pathways through the Nudged Elastic Band method
- pwcond.x : ballistic conductance
dos.x bands.x pp.x ... : various utilities for data postprocessing
- pwgui : a Graphical User Interface, producing input data files for PWscf
- ld1.x : (atomic) a program for atomic calculations and generation of pseudopotentials
Bulk silicon
C 3.567
Si 5.431
Ge 5.658
select your favourite ...
AlAs 5.6605
AlP 5.4510,
AlSb 6.1355
GaAs 5.653
GaP 5.4505
GaSb 6.0959
InAs 6.0583
InP 5.869
InSb 6.479
Example 1
Convergency tests
- download pseudo (LDA+PAW for Si)
- change ecutwfc (10, 20, ... Ry) & run
- find total energies
- plot results & find the converged ecutwfc
- set ecutwfc to converged value
- increase kpoint set 2x2x2 ... 9x9x9 & run
- plot results & find the converged k-set
wget <link>
pw.x < infile >outfile
grep '!' outfile
go to my_example1 folder
Geometry optimization by hand
- set ecutwfc, k-set (from my_example1)
- change unit cell parameter
A=5.3 -- 5.5 in 0.02 steps (Ångström) & run
- find total energies
- plot & fit parabola
pw.x < infile >outfile
grep '!' outfile
go to my_example2 folder
experimental cell parameter A=5.341Å
Geometry optimization by built-in method
- add calculation='vc-relax' to control block
- add &cell + &ion blocks (even if they are empty)
- find final coordinates (in units of original lattice constant ...)
- compare result with "handy method"
go to my_example3 folder
Band structure
- optimized structure, scf run with k-set
- add calculation='bands'
nbnd= number_of_bands
k-path in BZ
- run pw.x again
- bands.x to create gnuplot-compatible output (with .gnu extension)
- plotband.x (writes plot scripts)
pw.x < scf.in >scf.out
pw.x <bands.in > bands.out
bands.x < band2.in >band2.out
go to my_example4 folder
Band structure of bulk Si
Density of states
- setup scf calculation
- setup dos calculation & run
- plot DOS
- DOS is ugly
- increase kpoints & change degauss value, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 ... etc.
- add occupations='tetrahedra' to scf & remove degauss from dos input
- DOS is pretty
go to my_example5 folder
DOS of bulk silicon
Bulk modulus
- add tstress=.true. tag to &control block
- change the volume size by ±0.5%, ±1.0%, ...
- find the stress tensor in output, differentiate numerically & get the units right ...
go to my_example6 folder
Alternatively, set target stress to some value, perform geometry optimization, work out the bulk modulus...
Al-As 5.63262
Al-P 5.43095
Al-Sb 6.11182
Ga-As 5.6119
Ga-P 5.39437
Ga-Sb 6.05185
In-As 6.02329
In-P 5.82555
In-Sb 6.42447
C 3.53338
Si 5.39923
Ge 5.62113
LDA/PAW results summary
Al-As 75.8 76.0
Al-P 90.6 91.7
Al-Sb 56.0 56.8
Ga-As 74.0 73.7
Ga-P 92.0 91.5
Ga-Sb 187.8 80.6
In-As 61.5 61.4
In-P 72.4 72.2
In-Sb 48.5 49.0
C 469.9 469.3
Si 96.9 97.1
Ge 75.6 75.7
By János Koltai
Lecture 4 of the DFT course at Eötvös Loránd University
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