January 14-16 2020


Montpellier, France

Jason Coposky


Executive Director, iRODS Consortium



Tracking What We've Done

Remember at the end of the "Getting Started" section:​​


  • We installed an audit plugin that generated events for every dynamic policy enforcement point executed
  • We started a docker container with the following software:
    • RabbitMQ - message broker to catch events
    • Logstash - to read the events and write to DB
    • Elasticsearch - database to store the events
    • Kibana - visualization tool

Tracking What We've Done

  • Visit http://<ip> where ip is the public IP for your VM
  • Click on Dashboard
  • Select "Today" for the time period at the top of the screen

Tracking What We've Done

You have a visualization of what has happened in your iRODS zone for the day.


You can see the bytes written and received, connections, top users, etc.


These are just a sample of what can be visualized.


All of the data is in the Elastic database and can be queried for additional interesting patterns or characteristics.

Tracking Origin of a File

Now let's say we want to track the origin (provenance) of some files in our system.


We have PEPs stored in our Elastic database that provide an audit trail for us.


Before we get started, let's install jq so that we can parse the JSON output of an elasticsearch query.

sudo apt-get -y install jq

Tracking Who Wrote to the File

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/irods_audit/_search?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
     "_source": [ "@timestamp", "user_user_name", "obj_path" ],
     "sort" : [
         {"@timestamp":{"order": "asc"}}
     "size" :10000,
     "query": {
         "bool":  {
             "must": [
                 { "match": { "rule_name": "audit_pep_api_data_obj_put_pre" } },
                 { "match_phrase": { "obj_path": "tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg" } }
 }' | jq ".hits.hits[] | ._source"

Search for put activity on /tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg

Tracking Who Wrote to the File

This query returns the following five records showing the user rods put stickers.jpg five times:

  "@timestamp": "2018-05-30T20:13:01.331Z",
  "obj_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg",
  "user_user_name": "rods"
  "@timestamp": "2018-05-30T21:02:59.350Z",
  "obj_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg",
  "user_user_name": "rods"
  "@timestamp": "2018-05-30T21:03:16.370Z",
  "obj_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg",
  "user_user_name": "rods"
  "@timestamp": "2018-05-30T21:03:31.671Z",
  "obj_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg",
  "user_user_name": "rods"
  "@timestamp": "2018-05-30T21:12:01.143Z",
  "obj_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg",
  "user_user_name": "rods"

Tracking Read Access to the File

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/irods_audit/_search?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
     "_source": [ "@timestamp", "user_user_name", "obj_path" ],
     "sort" : [
         {"@timestamp":{"order": "asc"}}
     "size" :10000,
     "query": {
         "bool":  {
             "must": [
                 { "match": { "rule_name": "audit_pep_api_data_obj_get_pre" } },
                 { "match_phrase": { "obj_path": "tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg" } }
 }' | jq ".hits.hits[] | ._source"

There are two reads from user rods:

  "@timestamp": "2018-05-30T21:05:54.588Z",
  "obj_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg",
  "user_user_name": "rods"
  "@timestamp": "2018-05-30T21:07:08.202Z",
  "obj_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg",
  "user_user_name": "rods"

Search for read activity on /tempZone/home/rods/stickers.jpg

Look for all the "pre" PEPs

Search for all the "pre" PEPs that have been executed today, but exclude any authentication PEPs

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/irods_audit/_search?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
     "_source": [ "@timestamp", "rule_name" ],
     "sort" : [
         {"@timestamp":{"order": "asc"}}
     "size" :10000,
     "query": {
         "bool": {
             "must" : {
                  "regexp": {"rule_name": "audit_pep_api_.*_pre"}
              "must_not" : {
                    "regexp": {"rule_name": "audit_pep_api_auth_.*_pre"}
 }' | jq ".hits.hits[] | ._source"


CINES 2020 - Auditing

By jason coposky

CINES 2020 - Auditing

CINES 2020 Training Module

  • 1,291