June 8-11, 2021


Virtual Presentation

Jason Coposky

Executive Director, iRODS Consortium




Create a simple to use, easy to deploy, fast and light-weight REST API

  • Based on the C++ API
  • Acts as a proxied mid-tier application layer
  • Utilizes JSON Web Tokens for AAI

Provides a single executable per endpoint, suitable for containerized deployment



The REST API provides an executable for each individual API endpoint.

An nginx template is provided for reference.

  • /etc/irods/irods_client_rest_cpp.json.template
  • /etc/irods/irods-client-rest-cpp-reverse-proxy.conf.template

Copy the irods_client_rest_cpp.json.template to /etc/irods and edit accordingly

Copy irods_client_rest_cpp.json to /etc/nginx/sites-available and link to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

Template configuration files are installed by default:

Configuration - irods_client_rest_cpp.json

    "irods_rest_cpp_access_server" : {
        "port" : 8080,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10
    "irods_rest_cpp_admin_server" : {
        "port" : 8087,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10
    "irods_rest_cpp_auth_server" : {
        "port" : 8081,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10
    "irods_rest_cpp_get_configuration_server" : {
        "port" : 8088,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10,
        "api_key" : "default_api_key"
    "irods_rest_cpp_put_configuration_server" : {
        "port" : 8089,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10
    "irods_rest_cpp_list_server" : {
        "port" : 8082,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10
    "irods_rest_cpp_query_server" : {
        "port" : 8083,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10
    "irods_rest_cpp_stream_get_server" : {
        "port" : 8084,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10
    "irods_rest_cpp_stream_put_server" : {
        "port" : 8085,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10
    "irods_rest_cpp_zone_report_server" : {
        "port" : 8086,
        "threads" : 4,
        "maximum_idle_timeout_in_seconds" : 10

Configuration - irods-client-rest-cpp-reverse-proxy.conf

server {
    listen 80;

    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' '*' always;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'AUTHORIZATION,ACCEPT,GET,POST,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE' always;

    location /irods-rest/1.0.0/access {
        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
            return 204;
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

    location /irods-rest/1.0.0/admin {
        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
            return 204;

        proxy_pass http://localhost:8087;

    location /irods-rest/1.0.0/auth {
        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
            return 204;
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;

    location /irods-rest/1.0.0/configuration {
        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
            return 204;

        if ($request_method = GET ) {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8088;

        if ($request_method = PUT ) {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8089;

    location /irods-rest/1.0.0/list {
        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
            return 204;

        proxy_pass http://localhost:8082;

    location /irods-rest/1.0.0/query {
        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
            return 204;

        proxy_pass http://localhost:8083;

    location /irods-rest/1.0.0/stream {
        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
            return 204;

        if ($request_method = GET ) {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8084;

        if ($request_method = PUT ) {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8085;

    location /irods-rest/1.0.0/zone_report {
        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
            return 204;

        proxy_pass http://localhost:8086;



This REST API relies on the use of JSON Web Tokens to pass:

  • Identity
  • Authentication information
  • Authorization information
  • Future role based information

The /auth endpoint must be invoked first, generating a JWT

Send the JWT via the Authorization header for subsequent endpoints

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" ...

For example:


This endpoint provides a service for the generation of an iRODS ticket to a given logical path, be that a collection or a data object.

Method : POST


  • path: The url encoded logical path to a collection or data object for which access is desired

Example Curl Command:


An iRODS ticket token within the X-API-KEY header, and a URL for streaming the object.

  "headers": [
    "X-API-KEY: CS11B8C4KZX2BIl"
  "url": "/irods-rest/1.0.0/stream?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%2Ffile0&offset=0&limit=33064"
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/access?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%2Ffile0"


The administration interface to the iRODS Catalog which allows the creation, removal and modification of users, groups, resources, and other entities within the zone.

Method : POST


  • action : dictates the action taken: add, modify, or remove
  • target : the subject of the action: user, zone, resource, childtoresc, childfromresc, token, group, rebalance, unusedAVUs, specificQuery
  • arg2 : generic argument, could be user name, resource name, depending on the value of action and target
  • arg3 : generic argument , see above
  • arg4 : generic argument , see above
  • arg5 : generic argument , see above
  • arg6 : generic argument , see above
  • arg7 : generic argument , see above

Example Curl Command:


"Success" or an iRODS exception

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/admin?action=add&target=resource&arg2=ufs0&arg3=unixfilesystem&arg4=/tmp/irods/ufs0&arg5=&arg6=tempZone"


This endpoint provides an authentication service for the iRODS zone.

Currently only native iRODS authentication is supported, as Basic or Native.

Method : POST

Parameters: None

Example Curl Command:


An encrypted JWT which contains everything necessary to interact with the other endpoints. This token is expected in the Authorization header for the other services.

export TOKEN=$(curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic <token>" "http://localhost:80/irods-rest/1.0.0/auth")


This endpoint will return a JSON structure holding the configuration for an iRODS server.  This endpoint takes a known API key for authorization which is configured in /etc/irods/irods_client_rest_cpp.json

Method : GET

Parameters: None

Example Curl Command:


A json array of objects whose key is the file name and whose contents is the configuration file.

curl -X GET -H "X-API-KEY: ${API_KEY}" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/configuration" | jq

Note: As of 4.3+ the iRODS server will be able to leverage centralized configuration using this service.


Example Return Value:

    "host_access_control_config.json": {
    "hosts_config.json": {
    "irods_client_rest_cpp.json": {
    "server_config.json": {
    "server_config.json": {

Method : GET


This endpoint will write the url encoded JSON to the specified files in /etc/irods

Method : PUT


  • cfg - a url encoded json string of the format

Example Curl Command:



export CONTENTS="%5B%7B%22file_name%22%3A%22test_rest_cfg_put_1.json%22%2C%20%22contents%22%3A%7B%22key0%22%3A%22value0%22%2C%22key1%22%20%3A%20%22value1%22%7D%7D%2C%7B%22file_name%22%3A%22test_rest_cfg_put_2.json%22%2C%22contents%22%3A%7B%22key2%22%20%3A%20%22value2%22%2C%22key3%22%20%3A%20%22value3%22%7D%7D%5D"
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/configuration?cfg=${CONTENTS}"
        "contents" : {
            "key1" : "value1"
        "contents" : {
            "key2" : "value2",
            "key3" : "value3"


This endpoint provides a recursive listing of a collection, or stat, metadata, and access control information for a given data object.

Method : GET


  • path : The url encoded logical path which is to be listed
  • stat : Boolean flag to indicate stat information is desired
  • permissions : Boolean flag to indicate access control information is desired
  • metadata : Boolean flag to indicate metadata is desired
  • offset : number of records to skip for pagination
  • limit : number of records desired per page

Example Curl Command:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/list?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods&stat=0&permissions=0&metadata=0&offset=0&limit=100" | jq

/list (continued)


A JSON structured response within the body containing the listing, or an iRODS exception

  "_embedded": [
      "logical_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/subcoll",
      "type": "collection"
      "logical_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/subcoll/file0",
      "type": "data_object"
      "logical_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/subcoll/file1",
      "type": "data_object"
      "logical_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/subcoll/file2",
      "type": "data_object"
      "logical_path": "/tempZone/home/rods/file0",
      "type": "data_object"
  "_links": {
    "first": "/irods-rest/1.0.0/list?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods&stat=0&permissions=0&metadata=0&offset=0&limit=100",
    "last": "/irods-rest/1.0.0/list?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods&stat=0&permissions=0&metadata=0&offset=UNSUPPORTED&limit=100",
    "next": "/irods-rest/1.0.0/list?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods&stat=0&permissions=0&metadata=0&offset=100&limit=100",
    "prev": "/irods-rest/1.0.0/list?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods&stat=0&permissions=0&metadata=0&offset=0&limit=100",
    "self": "/irods-rest/1.0.0/list?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods&stat=0&permissions=0&metadata=0&offset=0&limit=100"


This endpoint provides access to the iRODS General Query language, which is a generic query service for the iRODS catalog.

Method : GET


  • query_string : A url encoded general query
  • query_limit : Number of desired rows
  • row_offset : Number of rows to skip for paging
  • query_type : Either 'general' or 'specific'

Example Curl Command:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/query?query_limit=100&row_offset=0&query_type=general&query_string=SELECT%20COLL_NAME%2C%20DATA_NAME%20WHERE%20COLL_NAME%20LIKE%20%27%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%25%27" | jq



A JSON structure containing the query results

  "_embedded": [
  "_links": {
    "first": "/irods-rest/1.0.0query?query_string=SELECT%20COLL_NAME%2C%20DATA_NAME%20WHERE%20COLL_NAME%20LIKE%20%27%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%25%27&query_limit=100&row_offset=0&query_type=general",
    "last": "/irods-rest/1.0.0query?query_string=SELECT%20COLL_NAME%2C%20DATA_NAME%20WHERE%20COLL_NAME%20LIKE%20%27%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%25%27&query_limit=100&row_offset=0&query_type=general",
    "next": "/irods-rest/1.0.0query?query_string=SELECT%20COLL_NAME%2C%20DATA_NAME%20WHERE%20COLL_NAME%20LIKE%20%27%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%25%27&query_limit=100&row_offset=0&query_type=general",
    "prev": "/irods-rest/1.0.0query?query_string=SELECT%20COLL_NAME%2C%20DATA_NAME%20WHERE%20COLL_NAME%20LIKE%20%27%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%25%27&query_limit=100&row_offset=0&query_type=general",
    "self": "/irods-rest/1.0.0query?query_string=SELECT%20COLL_NAME%2C%20DATA_NAME%20WHERE%20COLL_NAME%20LIKE%20%27%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%25%27&query_limit=100&row_offset=0&query_type=general"
  "count": "4",
  "total": "4"


Stream data into and out of an iRODS data object

Methods : PUT and GET


  • path : The url encoded logical path to a data object
  • offset : The offset in bytes into the data object
  • limit : The maximum number of bytes to read

Example Curl Command:


PUT : Nothing, or iRODS Exception

GET : The data requested in the body of the response

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" -d"This is some data" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/stream?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%2FfileX&offset=0&limit=1000"
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/stream?path=%2FtempZone%2Fhome%2Frods%2FfileX&offset=0&limit=1000"



Requests a JSON formatted iRODS Zone report, containing all configuration information for every server in the grid.

Method : POST


  • none

Example Curl Command:


JSON formatted Zone Report

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" "http://localhost/irods-rest/1.0.0/zone_report" | jq
  "schema_version": "file:///var/lib/irods/configuration_schemas/v3/zone_bundle.json",
  "zones": [


UGM 2021 - C++ REST API

By jason coposky

UGM 2021 - C++ REST API

  • 1,166